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Advanced technology is crucial to End Times prophecy.  This article will be divided into three sections: Current changes and advancements in significant technology; explanations of technology; and why it is important in prophecy.

The Internet Factor

The world is forever changed in that this and all future generations will be internet users.  The number of internet users tripled from 2007 to 2017 and is more than four times the number of users from 2003 to 2018.   According to there were over 4.1 billion internet users December 31, 2017; 11% from Africa (of 17% of world’s population), 49% from Asia, 17% Europe (of 11% of world’s population) and 8.3% N. America (of 4.8% of world’s population).

The world population for May 2018 is 7.6 billion.  The World Bank reported that about 65% of the world’s population are ages 15-64.  The age 14 and under group is about 1/4 of the world’s population.  Thus, out of the 5 billion people ages 15 to 64, approximately 4 out of 5 (or 80%) are internet users.




Timeline of Significant Technological ID Advancements

2018-2019: BioHax and BioTeq seeks to get into the Human Implant market with RFID and NFC chips.

BioTeq is started in late 2016 by an anesthetist and two business development advisers.   Located in Hampshire, UK, the company will ship you a ‘Human Implant’ chip from £40 to £1,450.  The based RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip which is said to meet UK Medical Standards (not sure what that means in this very new field) is ‘sterile and tested,’ but ‘you will need to provide installation by a medical doctor or other wise at your own risk.’   The NFC (Near-field Communication) high frequency chip starts at £70.  For up to $1,100 they will do the ‘pain free procedure’ or ‘remove’ a chip.  The company states the product can be used to “unlock your front door,” provide “access to workflow and tracking,” for “payments,” or simply just “start your car.”

Another similar company is Biohax of Helsingborg, Sweden.   Biohax states it “is the global market leader of installing NFC technology into the human body” and that they have “thousands of Biochip installs;” however currently (July 2019) their “New Website” is “Under Construction.”  This does not stop them from offer ‘registration’ into their ‘Biohax Academy’ to ‘become a certified Biohax installer,’ nor from ‘investing in Biohax.’  It does allow them not to offer any testimonies or facts about the company and product.

The UK’s Trades Union Congress states that biochips “would give bosses even more power and control over their workers.”

The primarily use is to substitute the need to carry a key or pass card

According to a Fortune January 8, 2019 article, “A report by the International Consortium for Investigative Journalists revealed that medical patients in numerous countries had been injured by “poorly tested implants” (not all of them biochips) because of a lack of regulations for new devices.”  This article primarily deals with breast implants.

the ICIJ report is linked here:


March 22, 2018: IBM concluded its Think Conference 2018, where its speakers spoke of changes and technology that will affect the ‘next five years.’ These included the topic: “Unveiling 5 Breakthrough Technologies That Will Change the World,’ during which 5 speakers addressed such things as ‘Post-Quantum Cryptography,’ ‘Crypto-anchors,’ and using sensors to track Plankton growth or decline throughout the world.

January 24, 2018: According to, “Physicists in Shanghai, China are planning to build lasers so powerful they could rip apart empty space… The Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF), is a single cylinder of titanium-doped sapphire… (with) a system of lenses and mirrors… In 2016, it achieved an unprecedented 5.3 million billion watts, or patawatts (PW). …(However) the pulses are infinitesimally brief, lasting less than a trillionth of a second.”

Post between May 2017 and January 2018 were in Politics, Religion and Science blog.

May 15, 2017: Self-taught 22 year old (known as ‘MalwareTech’) at the front of stopping Global WeCry or WannaCry or ‘WanaCrypt’ Virus (by Shadow Brokers who hacked Mircosoft Windows) from his bedroom at his parents house. The Virus has already affected hundreds of thousands in 50 countries including hospitals and businesses. The virus primarily affects Windows 2003 and XP; and Windows 10 appears to be safe. But Windows 7 and 8 can be infected. To be safe install Mircosoft updates and do not open suspicious emails: for more from Mircosoft SEE:

March 2017: Wikileaks dumped 8,761 documents in its first of a series from ‘Vault 7.’  It is said to be the largest public release of documents from CIA in history.   The dump called ‘Year Zero‘ reveals the range and ability of the CIA’s covert “hacking division.”   ‘Year Zero’ states that the CIA can “bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloakman.”  Thus, CIA ‘zero day’ weapons can hack iPhones, Android phones, Windows, macOS, Linux, Routers and even Samsung TVs. The documents also reveal the occasional clashes between CIA and the NSA.  Wikileaks reports that “the CIA… built a world-class hacking team so it no longer has to rely on the NSA.”

According to, “we built end-to-end encryption… your messages and calls are secured.”  They state they are used by “over a billion people in over 180 countries.”  Reminds me of a friend’s 17 year old son who hacked into a Tech Company and they hired him; or the 17 year who in October 2015, hacked into Talk Talk affecting 4 million customers and causes the company to be fined $400,000 pounds for insufficient security; or the 18 year old who hacked into the Pentagon’s website in 2016 from his school laptop (he was ‘thanked’ by the US Defense Department for exposing weaknesses.)  And for the sake of time, lastly ‘Barnaby Jack’ who at to 2010 Black Hat Conference, hacked into a new ATM machine on stage.   The point is: systems connected to cable or phone networks, even wireless, can with advance software, such as Keylogger programs, be hacked by some computer geniuses out there.As a matter of fact, in 2015 it was discovered by Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab that “Equation Group” had 500+ malware programs embedded in corporations and government agencies in the US, Russia and 40 other countries for as long as 14 years before being found.  Among their programs were ‘Backdoor Regin’ – a highly advanced backdoor trojan malware; and virtual file systems.  Equation used over 300 internet domains and 100 servers to host their command and control operation.   The Equation Group was called by Russia’s Kaspersky, “the most sophisticated computer attack group in the world.”   And who is the Equation Group?  According to Edward Snowden’s (former highest level software developer for the CIA) leaks they are the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States.

December 2016, Uber launches its first fleet of self-driving cars in San Francisco.

2015 and 2016: Heads of Google and its DeepMind Project at Bilderberg giving Technology talks.  For more on DeepMind: END TIMES: The DEEPMIND High TECH CHIP

2014: Google buys DeepMind corporation for $650 million and works on ‘swallowable chip’

2013: Freescale Semiconductors developed ‘the world’s smallest ARM-powered chip, the Kinetis K102, the size of two ants, about 2mm long.  The K102 has 32K of flash memory, 4K of RAM, and a 32 bit processor.  “It’s small enough to swallow” and was said to be tested for medical purposes.

2013: Digital Angel merged with Veriteq (who owned Sicel’s implantable dosimeter products).

2011: PositiveID developed GlucoChip which has a glucose-sensing implant microchip.

2011: VeriMed mircochip implanted under the skin contains a unique identification number that can be scanned to ID patient and access their health information (for ages 12 and older).  Verichip is owned by PositiveID.

2010: DeepMind founded in London; co-founder Demis Hassabis was a Chess master at age 13 and 5-times World Games Champion.

2010: PositiveID no longer developed RFID tags; but does biological detection systems (for ebola, SARS, etc.) for  homeland security and medical testing.

2009: VeriChip RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) FDA approved human implant chip used for medical purposes.

2008: Prisons in California, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Minnesota deployed RFID tracking systems to monitor inmates.

2007: Hitachi produced the smallest RFID chips at .05 x .05 millimeters.  It had a 128 bit ROM for storing a unique 38 digit number.

2007: SOMARK, ‘a leader in lab animal identification’ offers RFID ink tattoo technology for tracking livestock and pets.  The antenna-less tattoo is scanned with a RF reader.

2004: Food and Drug Administration approved the VeriChip human-implantable microchip by Digital Angel.

2003: Walmart announces that its suppliers will have to use RFID technology by 2006.

2000:  Continue to miniaturize RFID technology and make it less expensive.

1998: Professor Kevin Warwick is implanted with a RFID chip.

1994: Railroad Companies use RFID detection system to track cars.

1990s: RFID used globally for a myriad of consumer and corporate uses.

1980s: Worldwide RFID is used for transportation systems, animal tracking, business applications; and in certain places used on prisoner tags and for military purposes.

1979: RFID implant chips developed.

1978: Raytheon’s IFF transponders in Jet fighters.

1973: Mario Cardullo received a patent for a RFID tag with rewritable memory.  Charles Walton received a patent for a transponder used to unlock a door without a key.

1970: Department of Energy through Los Alamos National Laboratory works on system to track nuclear materials.  They also produced RFID tags to track cows for the Department of Agricultural.

1966: Security tags begin using RFID technology.  EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) becomes popular use of RFID Technology.

1959: IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) long range RFID system in use.

1948:  Harry Stockman advances RFID (Radio-frequency identification) technology and wrote article “Communication by Means of Reflected Power.”

Late 1940’s: Radar technology used frequency waves to identify aircraft.

1935: Robert Watson-Watt works on radio plane warning system.

1920’s: Radar was developed.

A Brief Explanation of Technology

The word ‘technology’ comes from two ancient Greek words ‘techne’ and ‘logia.’  It refers to art or skill, and word or to speak; and although in English ‘logy’ is most often used to mean ‘study of,’ here it also ‘speaks of’ or describes the subject.  Before what has been called the ‘Age of Industrialization,’ the 1828 Webster, American Dictionary of the English Language stated: “Technology, noun [Gr. Art, and word or discourse.] 1. A description of arts; or a treatise on the arts…”  “Technological, adjective; pertaining to technology; pertaining to the arts…”  “Art, noun; the disposition or modification of things by human skill… skill… power of performing certain actions, acquired by experience, study or observation…”   Now a modern definition of technology is the use of scientific knowledge and skills to accomplish or perform various objectives and operations.

Since Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was chartered in 1861, the term technology and its related fields have been broadened vastly.  In 1937, the American Sociological Review reported that ‘Technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce and use them.’  Today fields are overlapping and splitting in relation to science, engineering and technology.

Why is technology an important factor in End Times or Last Days prophecy?

What distinguishes the times we live in and how they differ from other times in biblical prophecy?  In 70 AD sieged engines existed which could and did destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem (Matt. 24:2).   And though the Roman armies could have possibly killed a fourth of all people (Rev. 6:4,8) in Europe and Asia; they could not have done it in a very short period of months and likely would have been defeated after the eventual loss of soldiers and resources.

Likewise, it was possible for the ‘Gospel to be preached’ ‘in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Sumeria’ and most of the known world (Acts 1:7; Matt. 24:14; Mark 13:10) during the time of the early church fathers and early centuries of Christianity; but not to ‘the ends of the world.’   Moreover, technology for communication, monitoring, tracking and other such things that that the administration of the Antichrist will need and use were not invented until the 20th century and are in the process of being advanced in the 21st century.

There will be technologies used during the Great Tribulation or the 42 months of persecution by the Antichrist and the period leading to that time.  Since sometime between the 1970s and today, nations – specifically Russia, China and the United States – have amassed enough nuclear weapons to kill a fourth of mankind, and to cause famine, earthquakes, and poison the rivers and lakes which will cause hundreds of millions more to die (Matt. 24:7; Mark 13:8; Rev. 6:8; 8:10).   See:  NUCLEAR WEAPONS: History and Status

And with print technology, telecommunications, radio and internet media the gospel of Jesus Christ can reasonably in a very short period of time be preached to all nations.  And likewise, in a matter of months the Temple of Jerusalem could be built if all the conditions were favorable.

And we are living in the last days when technology is currently being advanced that could be used to fulfill this prophecy: the Antichrist, ‘he causes all… to receive a mark on their hand or forehead, and no one may buy or sell who does not have the mark or name of the beast… (Rev. 13:16-17).’  When Universal Product Code (UPC) or barcodes began showing up on products in 1974, certain people said it would be used for the mark; and by 2004, about 85% of the largest 500 companies in the US were using UPCs.

But UPCs do not have the ability in and of themselves to be tracked on a human.  And even when Graphite skin tattoos with RFIDs (Radi0-frequency Identification) were developed they could not be tracked from far distances.  However, now Google is working on their DeepMind Project; and this ‘swallowable’ capsule with computer chip can be tracked across the globe if the person has a cellphone, car or other computer devices near.