Revealing relevant political and religious news, history, topics and truths

Examination of World Leaders Part 3

EXPOSING THE SORCERERS: Examination of World Leaders Part 3

According to The Global Wealth Report 2016 by the Credit Suisse Research Institute, the global wealth is about 256 trillion dollars and the wealth per adult was near $ 53,000.  However, the average wealth is simply dividing the entire world’s wealth by total adult population and this does not show the true median wealth per adult.  In 2015, about 33.7 million adults own more than $1 million of net worth. They make up for about 0.7 percent of global population and own about $ 113 trillion, over 45% of global wealth.  About 43 nations, almost a quarter of the world’s countries, are under monarchs.  Note in 2014 Africa had 28 billionaires worth over $80B, and in January 2016 the number was down to 21 worth about $70 billion.

The following Examination of World Leaders reveals corruption and unfairness among many world leaders; and that the world is still very much under the stay of the evil one and sorcerers – who control, enslave, cause rebellion against justice and impartiality, and allow their countrymen to be bewitched.

World Map:

(below Africa during WWI)

Africa 1914.jpg


Key: SWP = Share of World Population; SWW = Share of World Wealth/PPP (2008);

L. = Leaders; MWA = Median Wealth per Adult; P = Population (2010-16);

m = million; B = billion; T = Trillion; k = thousands; Sources at bottom; N/A = not avail.

Country Name L. Worth P/SWP/SWW% MWA$
WORLD   4.4 billion adults $256 Tril. 7.4 B/100/100% 3.6k
January 2017 the total world wealth (GNW or Gross National Wealth = assets – liabilities) was estimated to be $256 trillion, with the top 10 nations as follows: $83 trillion in the U.S., $24T in Japan, $23.4T in China, $14.5T in the UK (loss of $1T from 2015 due to Brexit & value of pound), $12.4T in Germany, $11.9T in France, $10T Italy, $7.6T Canada, $6.4T Australia, $6.3T S. Korea
Egypt Abdelfattah Said Elsisi N/A 94.7m/1.2%/< .6% 2.9k
The history of Egypt is an ancient one going back to an empire or kingdoms over 4000 years ago.  During the 7th century BC the Assyrians from Mesopotamia (modern Iraq and Syria) conquered Egypt.  Then about 150 years later the Persians reached the land in their conquests.  And about 200 years later, in 332 BC Alexander the Great’s empire included Egypt.  And the Greeks ruled the land of these Northeast Africans for 300 years until the Octavian’s Roman troops conquer in 31 BC.  Shortly after the crucifixion of Jesus (c. 29 AD) Christianity was spread in Egypt and during the first century a school for Christian scholars was set up in Alexandria (home of the Great Lighthouse).  About 641, Muslim Arabs invaded Alexandria and burned most of the Great Library (Roman fire burned much centuries before).  In 969 Cairo became the capital of Egypt.  Cairo is now has the largest Middle Eastern metropolitan area.  From about 640s to 1517 Egypt was ruled by Islamic governors and from about 969 to 1171 lead also by Fatimid caliphs – the first a Christian slave kidnapped and later freed by Muslims.  In 1517, Egypt was absorbed into the Turkish Ottoman Empire.  In 1805 Muhammad Ali begins a dynasty that would rule until 1952.   In 1882, the British took control of Egypt; and it was not until 1922 that under King Fuad I that Egypt gained independence.  In 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by Hassan al-Banna.  In 1948, after WWII, Egypt joined Iraq, Jordan and Syria and attacked Israel.  In 1952, a coup forced Farouk to turn over his rule to his son; yet, in 1953 a coup lead by Muhammad Najib lead to Najib becoming president and declaring Egypt a republic.  In 1956, fellow coup leader Gamal Nasser became president, holding the office until 1970.  In 1967, Israel defeated Egyptian forces on its border.  In 1970, VP Anwar al-Sadat became president and ruled until 1981 when he was assassinated by Islamist extremists in large part for peace talks with Israel and America.  He was succeeded by VP H. Mubarak.  In 1991, Egypt joined US coalition in Kuwait against Iraqi forces.  In 1992 Gama’a Islamic Group began a 5 year assault on the government and tourist.  In 1997, the Group killed 62 people at Luxor.  In 2005, almost 100 people are killed in bombing attacks by Islamic terrorists; that Dec. the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) win 20% of parliament.  Bombings continue in 2006 and in 2008 25 Muslim Brotherhood leaders are imprisoned.  Hundreds of arrests follow.  In 2009, Lebanese militants of Hezbollah go on trial in Cairo.  In 2010 the MB don’t win in seats in parliament.  In 2011, President Ben Ali of nearby Tunisia steps down after intense protests.  Likewise in 2011, after 5 terms, President Hosni Mubarak hands the country over to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces under Gen. Mohamed Tantawi and Mubarak is tried for ordering the killing of demonstrators.  Protests continued and Islamist groups fueled the fire after the Egyptian revolution of 2011.  In 2012, Islamic Mohamed Morsi took the presidency only to be deposed in 2013 (and later arrested) when Mansour is acting president until Abdel Fattah el-Sisi takes control in 2014.  Sisi was trained at military schools in the US and UK and served in Saudi Arabia before becoming Chief of Egyptian Armed Forces in 2013.   Sisi dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood supported 2012 Constitution.  Sisi called for a modernization of Islam and in 2015 he became the first Egyptian president to attend a (Coptic) Christmas Mass.  He had thousands of governmental built homes for lower class citizens and enforced maximum wages for state employees at 35 times minimum wage.  2016 Egypt gets a $12 billion IMF loan.   January 2017, Sisi released 1,280 prisoners from the Revolution.  Former president Hosni Mubarak was once listed as being worth over $10 billion.

2011 Egypt protests.jpg

2011 protests in Egypt

El Salvador Salvador Sanchez Ceren N/A 6.2m/.09%/ .06% 3.9k
As with other Central and S. American countries, the Spanish invaded the land in the 16th century and by 1540 El Salvador became a Spanish colony.  It was not until 1821 that it gained independence; although the Mexican empire sought much of its territory.  In 1823 it was part of the United Provinces of Central America (UPCA; including 5 other countries).  In 1840, 300 years after Spanish control, it became fully independent following the dissolution of the UPCA.   Coffee was brought to the land about 1859.  In 1932 about 30,000 people were killed in a peasant uprising.  In 1961, after a coup and in the midst of civil war the PCN came to power.  Years of struggle with neighboring nations and civil war continued.  Both government death squads and FMLN guerrilla forces killed as much as 100,000 people between 1969 and 1981.  In 1979 President General Romero was put down in a coup and in 1980 Jose Napoleon Duarte became president.  He was the first non-military president in 50 years.  In 1980 the FMLN formed from 5 guerrilla organizations. In 1986 Duarte negotiated peace settlements with FMLN.  In 1989 the FMLN went on offense against the government.  In 1992 after peace agreements the FMLN were demobilized and they became a political party of the nation.  In 2009, the FMLN candidate and former journalist Carlos Funes won the presidency.  He enacted reforms to aid and educate the poor.  In 2014, Sanchez Ceren, a former guerrilla leader, won the office by a .3% margin.   He was Funes’ VP and also of the FMLN.  In 2016, former president Saca  and 5 others (including an Att. Gen.) were arrested for embezzling $18 million.  El Salvador has been subject to much police and political corruption.
Equatorial Guinea T. Obiang N. Mbasogo 600m 1.2m/.016%/< .01% 5k
The very small west African nation (‘the Auschwitz of Africa’) makes the list due to 2 dictators.  It has been under Spanish and Portuguese control, as well as various African tribes, until independence in 1968 when Francisco Macias Nguema took control and the presidency.  In 1970 the dictator made it a one party state.   The Macias regime enacted mass killings.  In 1974 the WCC reported their ‘reign of terror.’  In 1975, 150 accused coup plotters were executed; and by that time about 80,000 of 300,000 of Nguema’s opposition were killed.  His prisons were called ‘hell on earth’ where prisoners routinely starve, got malaria, and were subject to massive rat infestation and torture.  The mostly Roman Catholic nation is very poor; although there is a significant divide between the elite rich and common poor citizen.   In 1979 Macias was overthrown and ousted by his nephew Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.   The 74 year-old dictator (2017) has reigned for 38 years.  Mbasogo’s family and close corporate friends have prospered off of the oil rich nation; yet the unemployment rate is about 30%.  In 2003, a state radio station declared Obiang ‘the country’s god… (who was) in permanent contact with the Almighty… and can decide to kill without going to hell.’  In 2008, he was listed as the world’s worse dictator and despite the term limits of their constitution he refuses to step down.
Eritrea Isaias Afworki 100+m 5.4m/.07%/ < .01% .5k
About 600 the Muslim Arabs invaded the small African nation next to the Red Sea.   In the 1500s the Ottoman Turks took Massawa.  However, it would be Italy that made it a colony in 1890.  After WWII Britain oversaw the territory.  By 1958 the Liberation Front was formed.  In 1962 Ethiopia annexed the land and made it a province.  After years of civil war in 1974 Ethiopian Emperor Selassie was overthrown and the Soviet-backed military junta saw opportunity and seized power.   By the late 1980s, Russian and Cuban support left Ethiopia.  In 1991, the People’s Liberation Front captured Asmara and soon after took control.   In 1993, Eritrea voted for independence and joined the UN.  Between 1998 and 2000 war with Ethiopia left about 70,000 dead.   In 2002 the legislative Assembly ruled that no other political parties could form.  In 2005, due to drought and famine, emergency food aid was given to over 800,000 people.   Border disputes and clashes continued from 2000 to 2010 with Ethiopia and occasionally Djibouti.  Eritrea has supported Islamist extremists from Somalia.   Its people remain very poor and many are said to be in ‘slave labor.’  Afewerki became the first and only president in 1993 and has ruled like a dictator for about 24 years (2017).  He has been described as ‘unhinged’ and ‘cruel and defiant;’ in 2008 he postponed elections for ‘three to four decades.’  Ethiopian news sources reported between 2011 and 2012 that as much as $900 million was missing from the revenue of the Bisha gold mine and that in 2015 Afworki and his PFDJ generals had stolen about $700 million.  Their numerous secret Swiss bank accounts were revealed by Swiss Leaks.  In 2014, Eritrea was among the top 10 most corrupt counties in the world.  Afwerki has put forth severe restrictions on practicing religions not controlled by the government.
Ethiopia Mulatu Teshome 40+m 102m/1.4%/< .1% .3k
Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world tracing back to the Aksumite Kingdom of first century BC.   Christianity came to the land at least by the 4th century; however it was also subject to Muslim conquest and influence.  It has had emperors, chieftains and kings.  Italy sought to invade Ethiopia in the 1890s but was unable to defeat the Ethiopians.  In 1935 Italy invaded again and overthrew the government and the king of Italy was made emperor of Ethiopia until 1941 when the Italians were defeated and Haile Selassie regained his throne.  In 1962 they annexed Eritrea and civil war followed (see above Eritrea).   In 1973 a famine began that would claim about 200,000 lives.  In 1974 Gen. Benti lead a coup to take control, Selassie was likely killed in 1975 and Benti was killed in 1977 and Col. Mariam assumed control.  From 1977 to 1979 thousands were killed during Mengistu’ Marxist reign of ‘Red Terror.’  After civil war and border wars and another famine where thousands more died and tens of thousands resettled, Mengistu was elected president in 1987.   In 1991 the People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) captured the city Addis Ababa and Mengistu fled the country.   Border clashes continued for years and thousands more fled.  In 2005, a Human Rights Watch group reported ‘widespread murder, rape and torture’ against the Anuak people.   Following corrupt elections in 2005, about 80 journalists and opposition leaders were charged with treason and genocide.   In 2006 the government was accused by the UN of selling weapons to Somalian Islamic extremists; also former dictator Mengistu was convicted of genocide and sentenced to death.  In 2009 a coup attempt was put down.  In 2011 after a severe drought millions received UN/international aid.  In 2012 certain government officials were accused of forcing thousands off their land for foreign corporate deals.  In 2013 EPRDF candidate Teshome won the presidency.   In 2016 tens of thousands were starving due to food shortages and began anti-government demonstrations.    World Bank loans helped create 100,000; yet protest continued and the country had over a 15% economic decline in two years.  About that time, Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi, 2nd richest Saudi / richest Ethiopian (born to a parent from each nation) brought President Teshome a $26 million jet.   Al Amoudi has gold mining interest in Ethiopian, as well as gains government construction contracts and oil refinery contracts.    There is much corruption and poverty in Ethiopia.
Finland Sauli Niinisto N/A 5.5m/.074%/.2% 80.1k
Scandinavia was not heavily populated before the 6th century.  By the 8th century chiefdoms were becoming regional kingdoms.  In the 10th century the Danes and Norwegians had their own kingdoms and the Swedes were also establishing themselves.  The Danes had accepted Christianity, but the other kingdoms were still pagan.  By 1016, Scandinavia was the centre of an empire which included parts of Denmark and England.  In the 1100s Swedish crusades to the Finn land resulted in converting them to Christianity.  In the 14th century Finland was under Swedish rule.  In 1808 the Russians invade Sweden, with the support of Napoleon.  The next year Finland was ceded to Russia.  In 1917 during the Russian Revolution, Finland declared its independence.   In 1918 a civil war claimed about 30,000 deaths.  In 1919 after WWI, Kaarlo Stahlberg became their first president.  In 1939 when WWII started Finland was neutral, yet Russia invaded them.  In 1940, the Treaty of Moscow gave the Soviet Union 10% of Finnish territory.  In 1941, Germany attacked Russia and Finland sought to retake their land.  Britain help Russia repel the Finns and in 1944 after Germany was weakened the Russians invaded Finland again and took more territory.   Also the Finns had to pay USSR millions in ‘reparations.’  In 1955 Finland joined the UN and in 1989 the Soviets recognized their neutrality.  In 1995 Finland joined the EU and in 2000 elected Tarja Halonen, their first female president.  In 2010 Finland was the first nation to make broadband internet a civil right.  After Tarja served 2 terms, Sauli was elected the 12th president of Finland in 2012.  The Christian president survived the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and Thailand tsunami with his son by climbing a utility pole.   Finland is a very prosperous and peaceful nation.
France Francois Hollande 2m 67m/.9%/3.6% 147k
Three thousand years old this was the land of Celtic Gauls.  About 390 BC, led by king Bran, the Gauls sacked Rome and again in 279 BC.  By first century BC the Romans under Julius Caesar had several campaigns that pushed the fierce long-haired Celtic warriors or Celtic Gauls into Britannia, Germania, the graves or submission.  The land became the Prefecture of Gaul of the Western Roman Empire.  After the fall of the Roman Empire, it became the Kingdom of the Franks under their first king Clovis.  About 500 he accepted Christianity and soon afterwards the Franks were a Catholic people.    The territory was part of one of Europa’s major trade routes.  Over the centuries it was subject to war between the Franks and the Burgundians and Visigoths to the south, as well as to the Germanic tribes to the east and the Anglos and Saxons to the north.  By the end of Pope Gregory’s rule (604), Christianity had spread into Britain and much of Europe and the kings, although often vying for land and power, were becoming more ‘civilized.’ By the 8th century the Muslims entered Southern Europe and Southeastern Europe and even threatened Rome (Italy and the Catholic headquarters) and parts of France.   After the Muslims conquest of Spain and parts of Eastern Europe, they sought to push into France.  In 721 the Umayyads were defeated at the Battle of Toulouse; and in 732 this Muslim warriors were defeated and repelled in the Battle of Tours where 30,000 troops were led by Frankish Prince (king) Charles Martel.  From 768 to 814 Charlemagne rules the Franks and is crowned the Holy Roman Emperor.   In 1066, the French speaking William the Conqueror of Normandy invaded England.  In 1099 the French joined others in the crusade which retook Jerusalem.  From 1337-1443 France and England were in the Hundred Years’ War.  In 1348 the Black Death Plague sweep through Europe and about 1/3 of the population died within the first year.  From 1494 to 1559 the French, Italians and Austrians fight over borders and land.  Likewise they disputed with the Germans; in fact the city of Strasbourg (seat of the EU Parliament) changed hands several times.  In 1789 the French Revolution ended a monarchy that began in the 9th century and would cause the establishment of their Republic.  In 1799 Napoleon warred against the government and by 1804 crowned himself Emperor of the French Empire.  In 1815 he was defeated at Waterloo and the French monarchy was re-established.  After the fall of King Louis-Phillippe-Napoleon (nephew of N. Bonaparte; Napoleon III) in 1848, a Second Republic came forth.  Soon after Napoleon III takes rule  of the ‘Second Empire’ from 1852 to 1870.  In 1871 that Empire ended with the Franco-Prussian War and a Third Republic was established by 1877.  From 1914-1918 WWI claims the lives of about 1.3 million Frenchmen.  Then in WWII the Germans destroy many French cities and kill over 200,000 French soldiers and almost 400,000 French civilians.  In 1946 the Fourth Republic was established.  In the 1950s and 1960s France gave independence to most of its colonies.  In 2000, President Jacques Chirac was caught in a corruption scandal.  In 2002 the Euro replaced the franc which had existed since 1360.   Regardless of scandal, Chirac was reelected in 2002.  That year thousands strike against government privatization and socialism.  In 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy won the presidency and served to 2012.   Sarkozy, married 3 times, had his salary raised to 240,000 euros and was worth over $2 million.   In 2012, the liberal Francois Hollande took office and immediately his PM Ayrault introduce a same-sex marriage bill which became law in 2013.  In 2014 former president Sarkozy was investigated for illegal campaign funding; and about that time about 3.5 million people were seeking jobs.  In 2015 and 2016 the country was rocked as hundreds were killed in several attacks by Islamic terrorists.  Islam (Muslims) make up their second largest religion and the nation is battling to keep its French heritage.  In 2016, the millionaire president Hollande announced he will not run for a second term in 2017.
French Polynesia Edouard Fritch N/A .27m/.003%/< .01% 10k
This small nation makes the lists for two reasons.  It had the highest GDP per capita in the South Pacific region; and to report its ex-president Gaston Flosse was convicted of corruption, with several others for taking millions in government kickbacks and profiting off of public contracts.  From 1984 to 2014 the country had three presidents (Flosse, Sang and Temaru) which interweaved 13 times.  In 2014 Fritch became the president.
Gabon Ali Bongo Ondimba 50+m 1.8m/.024%/.01% 5.5k
The Portuguese landed in this African land in the 15th century; however it was the French that gained sovereignty over it in 1839.  In 1910 the territory became part of French Equatorial Africa.  In 1958 it became a republic and in 1960 gained independence.  Leon Mba was elected president in 1961 and put down a coup in 1964.  In 1967 after the death of Mba, Bongo became president and ruled as a dictator.  In 1973, he converted to Islam and took the name Omar Bongo.  In 1990 his administration was accused of fraud, and again in the 1993 elections.  In 1998 Bongo was again reelected to a 7 year term, but in 2003 their constitution was amended to allow ‘king’ Bongo to run for president forever.  In 2004 Bongo and certain French elites sign a deal with China for oil and iron and Bongo got richer as the common citizen remained poor.  In 2006 Bongo was again reelected and again accused of voter fraud.  In 2009 the dictator Omar Bongo died and his son Ali ben Bongo ‘won’ election as president.  He also was accused of fixing the election and fraud.  In 2011 Bongo’s PDG party held 95% of parliament seats.  In 2012 English became the official language over French.  In 2013 the French investigate the Bongo family.  In 2014 a protester was killed while calling for the president’s resignation.  In 2015 the leader of the opposition party Obame died in Cameroon.   In 2016 both Jean Ping and Ali Bongo claims victory in the election and the UN sought to mediate.  September 2016 Ali Bongo was sworn in for a second 7 year term.  The Bongo family in 2017 will have ruled for 50 years.  The Bongo family owns at less 40 residences in France; numerous luxury and sports cars; and in 2013 was accused of skimming (stealing) as much as 25% of the nation’s GDP over many years.  In 1999 the FBI/CIA reported he had $130 million in Citibank and the French investigation into Elf Aquitaine oil revealed Bongo got about $67 million a year.  Dailymail report Bongo has a 14 bedroom 48,000 sq’ mansion in Paris.  The Bongo family was listed among the richest dictators.
Gambia Adama Barrow N/A 2m/.025%/< .01% .3k
Like Gabon the Portuguese arrived in the mid-1400s and established trade with this land; and the French moved in centuries later.  The British and the French had boundary disputes in the 1889 and in 1894 Gambia became a protectorate of Britain.  In 1965 the territory became independent and a Republic in 1970.  In 1981 hundreds died in a coup attempt.  In 1994 President Jawara was ousted by a coup led by commander Jammen.   In 1996 Yahya Jammeh was elected president when the other 3 major political parties were banned.  In 2001 Jammeh was reelected.  In 2002 restrictions were placed on the press and media.  In 2004 journalists were arrested for libel and sedition and Hydara, a prominent editor, was shot dead for voicing opposition to the new press law.  In 2006 thousands enter the country for civil war in Senegal.  In 2006, dictator/president Jammeh was elected again and claim the right to a ‘billion-year’ rule.  Their voting system involved marbles being placed in a 55 gallon drum for your candidate.  In 2009 Amnesty International reported that hundreds were ‘kidnapped’ during a campaign against ‘witchcraft.’  That year Jammeh threaten to kill human rights workers that interfered with the government, as well as known homosexuals.  In 2010 the death penalty was introduced for possession of cocaine or heroin.  In 2011 Jammeh won 4th term and was accused of voter fraud.  2013 he withdraws from UK status.  In 2015 a coup plot was put down.  Dec. 2015, Jammeh declared Gambia an Islamic Republic.  In August 2016 opposition candidate Kurumah dies in jail. Nov. 2016 the nation’s internet was shut down before the election; Dec. 2016 Jammeh rejected election results.  In fear of civil war thousands flee to Senegal.  Jan. 2017 Jammeh flees into exile after losing December’s election to Adama Barrow.  Senegal and regional ESF forces threaten to attack Jammeh’s headquaters if he did not honor the election results.  Gambian people are very poor and receive little from the sale of their nation’s resources.
Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili N/A 4m/.05%/< .04% 5.6k
In 1801 most of this territory was part of the Russian Empire.  In 1879 Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) was born in Gori.  In 1918, after WWI, Georgia declared independence during the Russian Revolution.  In 1921 Russia invaded them and Georgia became part of the Soviet Union.   In 1956 protesters were killed by Soviet troops.  In 1989, 19 protestors were killed in Tbilisi.  Between 1990 and 1991 hundreds die in civil war and tens of thousands flee.  In 1991 Georgia again declared independence from the Soviet Union; and Gamsakhurdia was elected president.  In 1992 he was deposed by opposition militia.  Civil war continues along with border disputes.  In 1995 Shevardnadze wins the presidency; and is reelected in 2000.  Border disputes continue and in 2002 U.S. special forces are sent to train and equip Georgian troops.  In 2003 Shevardnadze (accused of enriching billionaire friend Sepiashvili) was ousted by the ‘Rose Revolution’ and 2004 Mikhail Saakashvili wins the presidency.  In Jan. 2005 after killings between Georgian and neighboring Ossetian forces Bagapsh won the presidential election.  That February PM Zhvania was found dead from gas poisoning.  In 2005 Russian troops begin to pull out of the country, and gas and electricity supplies from Russia are sabotaged.  In 2006 South Ossetians vote for independence but Georgia claims much of their land. In 2008 Saakashvili was reelected and accused of rigging votes.  In 2008 war broke out with S. Ossetia.  Russia defends the small region against Georgia.   After 2 other presidency’s Saakashvili was elected for a 3rd term and served until 2013, then became Gov. of Odesa.  President Poroshenko accused the former president and embezzlement.  Mrs. Bobrovska took the place of Gov. of Odesa Oblast.  In Nov. 2013 Giorgi Margvelashvili became president.
Germany Joachim Gauck N/A 82m/1.1%/4.3% 61.4k
This territory was settled by the Gauls, Celtics, Slavs, Baltics and Scythians before the Greeks, Romans and Teutons sought to conquer parts of it.  Caesar called the people Germani and Roman maps were labeling it Germania.  The tribes were then called Germanic.  For centuries the Germanic tribes would raid the Gauls, Goths and Romans expanding territories; and they would war against the Germanic tribes.  And the people of Germanic tribes migrated throughout much of Europe, even into Britannia (the Anglo-Saxons were a mixture of people from Germanic tribes).  Like France, the rich and central European territories of the Germanic tribes were subject to centuries of almost constant war.  About 800 Charlemagne was crown Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III – and ruler of France and Germany.  In 843 with the Treaty of Verdun Germany was separated from the Frankish kingdom.  In 962 King Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and Germany was his headquarters.  For centuries Germany had kings.  Some say Charlemagne was the first, others say it was his grandson Louis the German (ruled 843-876).  The Carolingian dynasty (‘descendants of Charles’) ended in Germany in 911.  The next dynasty was the Ottonian, with Otto I the Great (son of King Henry I; ruled 936-973) being the most significant.  There rule ended in 1024, and the Salian dynasty ruled next until the death of Henry V in 1125.  The Hohenstaufen dynasty included Frederick I Barbarossa and ended with Conrad IV in 1254.  The most notable dynasty – the Habsburg (see: – began with Rudolf I in 1273.  In the late 14th century, Charles IV, grandson of Henry VII, was the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany, Bohemia and Italy.  The Habsburg linage survives to this day.  Some of the most notable were Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III (1415-1493); Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519); Charles V (1500-1558) who married Isabella of Portugal; Ferdinand I (1503-1564) whose wife give him 15 children (kings, dukes, married into the Medici bankers, etc.); Phillip II (1527-1598) king of Spain, Portugal, Sicily, etc.   In 1517 Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on his churches door and in large part began the Reformation; soon after splitting from the Catholic Church.  From 1618-1648 the 30-Years’ War took place.  In 1806 Napoleon took control of part of Germany for several years.    In 1871 Otto von Bismarck unified Germany (Prussia).   WWI dominated the land from 1914 to 1918, ending with Emperor William II going into exile.  In 1923 Adolf Hitler became head of the National Socialist German Warkers’ Party (Nazi).  In 1929 Europe and America, with most of the world, suffered mass unemployment and depression.  In 1933 Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany and made Germany a one-party state. In 1934 he declared the Third Reich and in 1938 annexed Austria and 1939 invaded Poland starting WWII (1939-1945).   Millions were killed before Hitler committed suicide in 1945.  In 1945 and 1946 war crimes trials took place in Nuremberg – many were executed or imprisoned.  In 1949 the Allies and UN divided Germany (US, France and UK over the West) and (Soviets over the East).  In 1955 Eastern Germany joined the Warsaw Pact and Western Germany NATO.  In 1961 the Berlin wall was constructed and in Nov. 1989 the Wall was torn down followed by a mass exodus.  In 1994 Russian and Allied troops left Germany.  That year Roman Herzog was elected President of the Federal Republic of Germany.  In 2002 the Euro replaced the Deutsche Mark.  In 2004, former UN IMF head H. Koehler was elected president and served to 2010.  In 2012 Joachim Gauck was elected and March 2017 will be the next elections.  The first female Chancellor, Angela Merkel, came to office in 2005.  After about 400,000 foreign migrants enter Germany in 2013 and Merkel offers asylum to Syrian and other refugees in 2015, she is protested against by much of the country.  Then in 2016 a couple of Islamic terrorist attacks leave many dead and the country protesting against such immigration.
Ghana John Dramani Mahama 900m 27.5m/.37%/.05% .7k
Phoenicians landed on the coast of this land about 600 BC.  The first Kingdom of Ghana was ‘Ghanata’ or ‘Wagadugu’ and in the 13th century was conquered by the Kingdom of Melle.  In 1471 the Portuguese arrived and in 1482 they built their first fortress and they sought the gold, ivory and timber of the territory.  Other Europeans, such as the English, French, Dutch and Danes all sought their fortunes along the coast.  In 1661 a Danish fort – ‘Christiansborg’ was established.  About that time, and for 350 years, England, the Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, France, Sweden and Denmark all would compete in the slave trade ‘industry.’   And this West African land became the ‘centre of all European activity in West Africa (

such that ‘it is estimated that between 12 and 20 million enslaved Africans were transported’ to ‘the new world;’ ‘more than 2/3 of the Africans died when captured.  [Note: often the cycle was Africans tribes captured other Africans and sold them to Arab Muslims, who in turn sold them to representatives from Christian nations or colonies and other Arab nations.] In 1792, due to cost, Denmark stopped their ‘trade with Negroes.’  About that time Britain followed (by 1807, they banned slave trade from the Gold Coast).  In 1800 King Bonsu took the throne until his death in 1824.  By 1848 British and Danish owned slaves were freed; and in 1850 Denmark sold their forts to the UK.  In 1863 the British war with the Asante kingdom for territory and resources.  In 1874 the Gold Coast became a British colony and massive amounts of gold and the entire king’s treasury was stolen and/or sent to Britain.  Conflicts continued for decades between the British and the Asante.  After WWI the British take control of the Gold Coast.  In 1925 British controlled elections began.  A decade later the Asante were allowed representatives.  After WWII the UK could not retain power over all its colonies.  In 1948 riots broke out and about 29 people were killed and hundreds wounded.  In 1949 Nkrumah formed the CPP and was jailed in 1950 for calling for strikes and protest.  In 1952 he became the first African PM and government leader; sharing power with British Gov. Clarke.  In 1956 he said, ‘The independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of the African continent.’  In 1957 Ghana became the first of the colonies in sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence.   About that time Ghana was the leading cocoa exporter in the world and produced about 1/10th of the world’s gold.  In 1960 Nkrumah was appointed president.  In 1964 Nkrumah suspends elections and became a dictator; he began to lose popularity as he got richer and his people poorer.  In 1966 the military attempt a coup and by 1969 multi-party elections were held again.  In 1972 Nhrumah died and another coup toppled the government.  Corruption became common throughout the government and businesses.  In 1979 another coup was attempted; and a third republic was given to the people.  In 1981 Rawlings led another coup and the parliament was dissolved.  More coups and protests continued until the IMF gave relief loans (1984) and Rawlings set up a democratic government by 1992 when he was election president with 60% of the votes.  Yet in 1994 civil war resulted in about 2000 deaths and 150,000 displaced Ghanaians.  In 1996 Rawlings was reelected and he and his party are accused of corruption.  In 1997 Ghanaian Kofi Annan became Sec. Gen. of the UN.   In 2000 John Kufour became the president and again in 2001 the country received debt relief from the IMF/World Bank.  Over the next months, tens were killed in riots and 100,000 displaced from a flood.  In 2008, Rawlings’ for VP John Atta Mills became president.  In 2012 Mills died and John Mahama was elected president.  In 2013, reported that Mahama and his two brothers were worth $4.2 billion.   And the richest Ghanaian in 2016 was Dr. Kwame Kufuor, former Min. of Defense and brother of former president.

Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos N/A 11m/.17%/.48% 55k
Greece is among the earliest of settlements, and of sea-faring people.   About 1210 BC fought in the Trojan War.  Its first Olympic Games were about 776 BC and shortly afterwards Greek colonies were established in Sicily and southern Italy.  Its alphabet was also invented 8th century BC.  It is home to some of the most ancient philosophers and poets.  In the 7th century BC the Greek Spartans invaded their neighboring Greek tribes.  Sparta and Athens would continue to have conflicts for centuries.  Also, the Persians sought to gain Greek territory until about the time of Alexandria the Great.  About 380 BC Plato established an Academy in Athens.  In 359 BC Philip II became King of Macedonia and reigned until he was assassinated in 336 BC.   His son, Alexander the Great, became King of Macedonia (Northern Greece) and soon afterwards Pharaoh of Egypt and King of Asia.  Alexander reigned until his early death in 323 BC; yet, he untied Greece and conquered Asia Minor, Assyria, Persia and into India.  He sons took control of those lands and in time the Gauls, Romans (Macedonian Wars 214BC-; 172BC; etc.), Persians and others took most of what Alexander had conquered.  During the first century AD the Romans dominated the Balkans.  About his time the apostle Paul and others spread Christianity throughout the country. By the time of Constantine it became part of the Byzantine empire and would remain so for centuries.  In 1054 the Greek Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches split in the Great Schism.  In 1202, during the Fourth Crusade, on the way to fight Muslims in Jerusalem, the Catholic Crusaders sacked Constantinople.  In 1453 Constantinople fell to the Turks and became Istanbul.  In 1566 Ottoman Turks gained control of Aegean Islands.  In 1626 a famine in Crete killed about 20% of the population.  In 1669 Crete was taken by the Turks.   Between 1821 and 1829 was the Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire.  In 1832 Prince Otto of Bavaria was the first king of independent Greece and he reigned until 1863 when he was deposed; and William of Denmark became king.  Just before WWI the Greeks regained Macedonia, Crete and the North Aegean Islands in the First Balkan War against the Ottomans.  During and after WWI the Greeks fought the Turks until about 1924 when it became a Republic.  In 1935 the monarchy was restored under king George II and it continued again until his nephew Constantine II was deposed in 1973 and Greece was again a Republic.  Col. Papadopoulos became president, but was quickly overthrown in a coup by Gen. Ioannidis.   In 1981 Greece joined the EU; that year Papandreou became president.  In 1991 newly independent Yugoslavia and Greece feud over names and borders.  In 1996 Turkey disputes with Greece over parts of Aegean.  In 2002 the Euro replaced the drachma.  In August 2009 about 10,000 were evacuated from their homes due to wildfires.  Dec. 2009 the country continued to plunge into billions in debt and in 2010 receive about $145 billion in aid.  It is reported that many Greeks do not pay their taxes. In 2011 PM Papandreou resigned.  In 2015 Pavlopoulos became the 7th president of Greece.  The Constitution of Greece is perhaps the only in the world to include the words ‘our Lord Jesus Christ.’
Guatemala J. E. Morales Cabrera N/A 16m/.22%/< .1% 2k
Maya cities were established in the Yucatan Peninsula by 7th century BC.  About 500 AD certain cities had pyramid upon which they sacrificed prisoners, orphans and slaves.  In 1521 the Spain war with the Aztecs and establish Mexico City as a capital in 1522.  In 1524 the Spanish defeated the Mayans and the ‘land of trees (Guatemala)’ became part of a Spanish colony. Silver, gold and other resources were often shipped back to Europe from the region of ‘New Spain,’ which stretched from much of southern United States through all of Central America in parts of South America.  In 1821, the territory was part of the Mexican Empire.  In 1839, Guatemala became independent and was soon after ruled by their president/dictator Carrera until 1865.  After a gap of time in 1873 a new president took office.  In 1931, Ubico took office and was overthrown in 1944.  In 1954 a coup led by Col. Castillo and backed by the US deposed Arbenz and set up provisional and acting presidents until Fuentes in 1958.  In 1963 Col. Peralta became president after Castillo was assassinated.  Civil unrest, protest and conflicts continued and from the late 1960s to 1981 as many as 70,000 were killed.  In 1982 Gen. Montt took power in a coup, only to be ousted the next year in a coup.  In 1985 Arevalo (of the Christian Democratic Party) was elected president and in 1989 civil war continued, and the death toll since 1980 was over 100,000.  In 1991 Ellas was elected, only to resign in 1993.  In 1996, Arzu was elected president after the cease-fire of a 36 year civil war that claimed about 200,000 lives.  In 2005, hundreds were killed in landslides and floods by storms.  That same year, the country’s leading drug investigator was arrested in the U.S. for drug trafficking.  In 2008 former president Portillo was charged with corruption for the embezzlement of $15 million.  In 2010 the U.S. issued apologies for infecting hundreds of Guatemalans with gonorrhea and syphilis as part of 1940s experiments.  In 2015, former Gen. Perez and other officials were charged with taking almost $4 million in bribes.  January 2016, Evangelical Christian and former comedian, Jimmy Morales was elected president.
Guinea Alpha Conde 1m+ 12.9m/.17%/.04% .4k
Before the French colonialized the territory in the late 1800s, it was controlled by several West African groupings, including the Ghana, Mali and Songhai.  In 1898 Samory Toure led a resistance group against the French.  In 1906 it became part of French West African Federation.  In 1952, Ahmed Sekou Toure, great-grandson of Samory, became sec.-general of the Democratic Party of Guinea and in 1958 when Guinea gained independence he was its first president.  In 1984 Toure died and Conte ceased the office in a bloodless coup.  Coup attempts and conflicts continued; in 1996 about 30 people were killed and the presidential palace was set on fire in a military mutiny due to very low pay.  In 2003 Conte won a third term in a protested and boycotted election.  In 2005 Conte survived an assassination attempt; and later that year opposition leader Conde returned from exile.  In 2006 strikes and protests continued with several students being killed.  In 2007 the Unions protested for better pay and again several people were killed by police.  In 2008 during a mutiny Conte died after 24 years of power and Captain Camara seized control.  Sept. 2009 soldiers killed about 157 and wounded over 1200 during a Human Rights protest at a stadium.  That October the UN, US, EU and AU (African Union) all imposed sanctions and in December Camara was shot in the head but fled and survived.  A year later elections were contested and Conde was declared the winner.  Clashes and violence continued; interrupted by an outbreak of Ebola in 2014 which claimed over 600 lives.  In 2015, Conde won a second term; yet, the people remain very poor and in 2016 tens of thousands of workers closed factories, banks and other offices during a week-long strike.   The year ended also with a major strike at the AngloGold mine.  AngloGold is the world’s third largest producer and gets about 300,000 ounces per year ($360 million) from the Siguiri mine, of which they own 85% and the government 15%.  UK based Anglogold which owns 17 mines in 9 countries was worth over $9 billion in 2010.  The company has been criticized for making billions while its 60,000+ workers suffered financially and physically (over 100 workers are ‘reported’ to die each year during operations).  Additionally, Billionaire Steinmetz’s BSG Resources Ltd. Gained control what is called ‘the world’s largest untapped iron-ore deposit’ in Guinea.  In 2012 it was revealed that he owned 49% of the venture and the common people of Guinea own less than a 1%.  Guinea is the world’s biggest exporter of bauxite; yet, their land is ‘owned’ by foreigners.  On his death bed former president Conte’ issued mining licenses worth billions, which the country has disputed.   Current president Conde has been accused of taking over $10 million in kickbacks.  Global mining giant Rio Tinto was accused of bribing Guinea officials in the $20 billion Simandou project.
Guinea-Bissau Jose Mario Vaz N/A 1.6m/.02%/< .01% .2k
In the 14th century this was part of the Mali Empire.  In the mid-15th century the Portuguese arrived and established slave-trade.  In 1879 it became a colony and war brought out.  In 1951 Guinea-Bissau became a province of Portugal.  Again war for independence followed for years.  In 1973, Amilcar Cabral, leader of PAIGC, was assassinated.  In 1974, after more than 11 years of war with Portugal’s dictatorship, the country gained independence and Luis Cabral (brother) became its first president.  In 1980 he was ousted in a military coup by Vieira who became president in 1994.  From 1998 to 2012, at least 9 more coups occurred, and in 2012 Pereira became president followed by another coup.  In 2014 Vaz (with PAIGC) became president.   He has been accused of involved in the embezzlement of about $10 million in aid donations.  The people of this country are very poor.
Haiti Jovenel Moise N/A 11m/.15%/.03% .9k
In 1492 Columbus arrived and called the land ‘Hispaniola’ or ‘little Spain.’  The Spaniards infected the Taino Indians with their diseases and smallpox nearly wipeout their entire population.  In 1697, Haiti or ‘land of Mountains’ was in part ceded to France.  In 1801, Louverture, a former black slave, led a revolt and conquered Haiti and abolished slavery after proclaiming himself Governor.  In 1804 Haiti became independent and another slave – Dessalines declared himself emperor.  In 1915 the US invade the country and order to ‘protect its investments.’  In 1934 US troops were withdrawn.  In 1956 Voodoo coup leader ‘Papa Doc’ seized power and was ‘elected’ president in 1957.  In 1964, Papa Duvalier declared himself president for life.  His dictatorship lasted from 1956 to his death in 1971; when his 19 year-old son, Jean-Claude ‘Baby Doc’ declared himself president-for-life.  In 1986 he was ousted and in 1988, Leslie Manigat became president, but immediately was also ousted in a coup by Gen. Anril.  After conflicts, Aristide was elected president in 1990 and ousted in a 1991 coup by Gen. Cedras.  In 1994, US troops intervened and Aristide was returned to power.  Years of unrested continued.  In 2003 Voodoo was recognized as a religion.  In 2004, Aristide was again forced into exile.  Severe floods came that May that claimed about 2000 lives and again that September which claimed about 3000 more.   Foreign Aid poured into and corruption followed; along with numerous killings from gang violence and political groups.  In 2008, regardless of tens of millions in aid, food riots occurred; followed by 800 deaths due to another Tropical storm.  In 2009, Bill Clinton was appointed UN special envoy to Haiti.  Soon after the World Bank and IMF cancelled Haiti’s billion dollar debt.  In 2010, about 300,000 were killed by a 7.0 earthquake; and $5 billion in aid get pledged to the poor but corrupt nation.

In 2011, Duvalier was arrested on corruption charges.  About that time Cholera claimed 6,000 lives.  In 2012, protests occurred due to the high cost of living and corruption.  At that time Hurricane Sandy left 20,000 homeless.  In 2013 Hillary’s brother, Tony Rodham, which no prior experience, was put on the VCS Mining (Gold) BOD and received a very rare mining permit.  October 2016 Hurricane Matthew kills hundreds, and November Moise won the presidency.   January 2017, coup leader Philippe was arrested for drug trafficking and money laundering.  The common people remain poor, as elites get rich.

Honduras Juan O. Hernandez A.   8.7m/.12%/.02% .8k
Columbus landed in Honduras in 1502.  For decades Spain fought the native tribes as well as the Mexicans.  About 100 years later the British established some control over the area; yet it was the Spanish that dominated the land.  In 1821 the country gained its independence from Spain; but became part of Mexico.  In 1823 it joined the United Provinces of Central America.  In 1840 Honduras became fully independent.  By 1913 US United Fruit Co. controlled 2/3 of the banana export industry there.  In 1932 Gen. Andino took control and ruled as a dictator until 1949.  In 1963 Col. Lopez Arellano led a coup to topple the government.   Conflicts continued, including a border war with El Salvador.  In 1974 Lopez resigned after bribes from US company were revealed.  In 1980 war with Nicaragua broke out.  In 1982 US-backed Contras put down Nicaragua’s Sandinistas in Honduras.  For years after death squads and guerrillas killed thousands including child killings in 2002.  In 2004 more than 100 inmates were killed in a prison fire.  In 2007 President Zelaya ordered TV and radio stations to broadcast 2 hours of government propaganda for 10 days.  In 2009 Zelaya was ousted by a military coup after numerous human rights abuses.  Unrests and protests continued.  In 2014 Juan Hernandez took office.  In 2015 protests continued.   Hernandez has been accused of corruption and certain Honduran elites have been revealed in the Panama Papers hiding off shore accounts and Jaime Rosenthal (Grupo Continental) was part of Zelaya’s Honduran Liberal Party.