Revealing relevant political and religious news, history, topics and truths

Sources of Influence: Part III

Sources of Influence: PART III

SECTION 4: E3 = Experiences, Education and Environment

The Brain is the most immature of all organs at birth.  It was thought that genetics was the most significant factor in brain development.  Yet, recent studies and research shows that development is possibly more so directly related to experiences.  Just as the brain needs protein, fat and vitamins, it needs healthy experiences, including proper interactions with people and objects.   Likewise, individual human development and condition (current and future) is based on their Education and Environments.

EXPERIENCE: wisdom, knowledge, perception and skill gained through involvement or exposure to education, environments, traditions, the emotional, spiritual and physical.

According to the National Scientific Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University; Working Paper 10: Early Experiences Can Alter Gene Expression and Affect Long-Term Development (5/2010), “New Scientific Research shows that ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES can actually affect whether and how genes are expressed… Scientists liken the structural genome to the hardware of a computer… that operating system is called the epigenome.  Like the software in an operating system, the epigenome determines which functions the genetic ‘hardware’ does and does not perform.  This system is built over time as positive experiences, such as exposure to rich learning opportunities, or negative influences, such as environmental toxins or stressful life circumstances, leave a chemical “signature” on the genes. 

These signatures can be temporary or permanent, and both types affect how easily the genes are switched on or off. For example, even though identical twins have the same structural genomes, their different experiences result in different epigenomes. These differing experiences leave signatures on the epigenome that cause some genes to be expressed differently. This explains why genetically identical twins, though similar in many ways, can exhibit different behaviors, skills, health, and achievement in both school and, later, in the workplace.

Increasing evidence shows that experience-driven, chemical modifications of these latter genes appear to play particularly key roles in brain and behavioral development. This new knowledge has motivated scientists to look more closely at the factors that shape the epigenome and to study whether interventions can reverse these modifications when negative changes occur. Nutritional status, exposure to toxins and drugs, and the experiences of interacting with varied environments can all modify an individual’s epigenome. 

Epigenetic instructions that change how and when certain genes are turned on or off can cause temporary or enduring health problems.   Highly stressful experiences can cause epigenetic changes that damage.  Moreover, research in both animals and humans shows that some epigenetic changes that occur in the fetus during pregnancy can be passed on to later generations, affecting the health and welfare of children, grandchildren, and their descendants.  For example, turning on genes that increase cell growth, while at the same time switching off genes that suppress cell growth, has been shown to cause cancer.  Repetitive, highly stressful experiences can cause epigenetic changes that damage the systems that manage one’s response to adversity later in life. On the other hand, supportive environments and rich learning experiences generate positive epigenetic signatures that ‘activate’ genetic potential.  In this second case, the stimulation that occurs in the brain through active use of learning and memory circuits can result in epigenetic changes that establish a foundation for more effective learning capacities in the future.

Contrary to popular belief, the genes inherited from one’s parents do not set a child’s future development in stone…  Although, adverse fetal and early childhood experiences can – and do – lead to physical and chemical changes in the brain that can last a lifetime.”

EXTERNAL EXPERIENCES such as stress, nutrition, and toxins ‘spark signals’ between NEURONS.  In turn the Neural Signals (neurotransmitters are released by Synaptic or Neurotransmission) tell cells to increase the production of gene regulatory proteins.  The GENE REGULATORY PROTEINS attract or repel enzymes that Add or Remove epigenetic markers.  These EPIGENETIC ‘MARKERS’ CONTROL where and how much protein is made and directly affects brain and body development.

Most regions of the Brain don’t form new neurons after birth.  The brain development occurs with the connections or wiring and re-wiring among neurons, creating new synapses between cells.  A one year old could have almost 1,000 trillion synapses in their brain.  The brain of a child is like a ‘sponge’ because it has more ‘plasticity’ and active synaptic transmissions than a teenager; who likewise has more activity potential than an adult.  Thus, it is easy for a baby and child to learn languages.

Due to the above type research, societies are coming to understand the importance of working with and intervening with disadvantaged children and their families or guardian(s).  Psychologists have long discovered that children of low-income and or poorly educated parents or grandparent(s) caretakers most often don’t achieve the same levels of intelligence and skill as children of wealthy and well-educated parents.  Though they both may be born with normal healthy genetic endowment, they typically follow distinguishable paths.

Likewise, children who receive proper nutrition and along with sensitive and responsive care from their parents and or caregivers in the early years gain a significant head start towards better than normal development and overall success.  Having at least one ‘stable’ caregiver, especially a parent or relative, as extremely important; and a child that has both parents loving and caring them (or even one parent and another significant relative) is truly blessed.

NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES of Mistreatment and Abuse of an individual, especially a young child or teen, dramatically increase the risk of developing depression, self-abuse, eating disorders, ADD, Drug abuse and drug dependency, alcoholism and sexual promiscuity to name a few serious effects.   Both accidental and inflicted TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES can cause an individual to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which causes long-term sleep disorders, memory loss, learning disabilities and even physical abnormalities and diseases.   And certain events and experiences are far worse than others.  Getting beat even severely is not as mentally difficult for most victims as rape.  As many as more than half of Rape and Sexual Abuse victims suffer from PTSD.  Likewise, see a friend get shot in the head and die, is typically more difficult than being in the midst of gunfire, but not receiving serious harm.

Stress, trauma and other unhealthy experiences lead to lost intellectual potential and increased rates of emotional and behavioral problems, which in turn can lead to weaker immune systems, increased diseases, and less ability to fight off emotional and spiritual attacks.  All caring and meaningful support can make a difference in helping one another, thus, the apostle said, “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the LAW of CHRIST (Galatians 6:2).”

Thus, Christ said, “A new command I give you: Love one another (John 13:34).”  This is beyond ‘Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31; Lev. 19:18);’ and a part of ‘Love and service your God (Deut. 10:12; 1John 4:20).’  At its height, the express of true love and obedience from individuals move from John 3:16 (what God did for mankind) to 1 John 3:16, man displaying the willingness to love with extreme and sacrificial action; “because Jesus Christ laid down His life for us: we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”  And more so, we affect society if we love beyond our family and friends and brethren or fellow members of our immediate associations; for Christ also taught by WORD and EXAMPLE, “Do to others as you would desire them to do to you.  If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?  Even sinners love those who love them.  Likewise, if you do good to those who do good to and for you, what credit is that? And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you?  But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High God, because He is kind to all, including the ungrateful and wicked (Luke 6:31-35).”

EDUCATION: the method or process of teaching or learning; learned and acquired knowledge, understanding, skills, truths, beliefs, values, perceptions, falsehoods, uses of senses, methods of reasoning, and other such things, through an apprenticeship, research, mentorship, experiments, investigations, revelation, school, college or university.

Only in the technical sense that EXPERIENCES comprise ALL Experiences including EDUCATIONAL Experiences does the CATEGORY of Experiences surpass the category of Education in its INFLUENCE upon individuals and societies.  However, the class of Education is so powerful and important that it deserves and requires its own category separate from Experiences and Environment; and of the three classes Education is the most influential on the thoughts and beliefs and even perceived truths of nearly all individuals and societies.  After tribes and nations conquer or control and acquire power over other tribes and nations, three of the first things they do after setting up or making known their government or rule are set up SCHOOLS, Churches and Hospitals.

The Hospitals are for the health of the people resource to the government, as well as to display a sense of care.  The Churches are to establish their religious traditions and doctrines over the people.  Some countries say they allow religious freedom; yet, in the beginning of nearly every Government was a state supported or required Religion or Philosophy.  In the American colonies Christianity was once a requirement for elected officials.

The FIRST ADMENMENT ‘freedom of Religion’ was thought by most of the signers of the Constitution in terms of ‘dominations’ such as the Catholics of ‘Mary-land’ not being dominated by more numerous Congregationalist or Presbyterians.  In the Supreme Court case Church of the Holy Trinity vs US (1892), the Justices majority stated, ‘this is a religious people… This is a Christian Nation.’

Religious Adherents in America

A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Noll, 1992)

Year 1776 Year 1850
Congregationalists   20.4% Methodists               34.2%
Presbyterians            19% Baptists                    20.5%
Baptists                    16.9% Roman Catholics     13.9%
Episcopalians           15.7% Presbyterians           11.6%
Methodists                 2.5% Congregationalists      4%
Roman Catholics       1.8% Episcopalians            3.5%

As shown by the chart above, Freedom of Religion (Christian Religion – for the chief politicians and religious leaders were at least nominally Christian) allowed missionaries like the Wesley brothers and immigrants to significantly influence the Religious EDUCATION and thus, the makeup of America so much that by 1850 the adherents changed.  Freedom of Religion also allowed certain churches to split on religious doctrines and social religious issues such as should Homosexual Priest/Ministers being allowed to conduct Homosexual weddings and remain in the denomination.

And it was the same in most nations, the Constitution of Greece states, “the prevailing religion if Greece is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ… acknowledging as its head Our Lord Jesus Christ is indissolubly united in doctrine with the Great Church of Constantinople…”  And in Constantine’s day the king made the official religion of the empire ‘Christian,’ as did the Romans.  Likewise, the Muslims did the same, and thus, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran states, “Since the language of the Qur’an and Islamic texts… is Arabic it must be taught… in school from elementary grades until the end of high school.”  Thus, the Constitution of Saudi Arabia states, “The State shall protect the Islamic Creed and shall cater to the application of Shari’ah.”

And MOST IMPORTANTLY the new governments would set up their SCHOOLS, not simply to EDUCATE their children and posterity, but the intentional INFLUENCE and indoctrinate them with their core politics, rules, values, traditions, history and beliefs.

EDUCATION comes from many sources; the main ones being parents, grandparents, siblings, guardians, acquaintances, ministers, occupational instructors and possibly most importantly from teachers and professors in Schools and Universities.

EDUCATION LIFE STAGES (Hybrid of several Theories)

Prenatal: Conception to Birth Dependent on Mother
Infancy: Birth to 1 year Dependent on Parents or Caregivers; Learning is almost entirely from immediate relatives or guardians
Toddlerhood: 1 – 3 Learning primarily from immediate relatives or guardians; Daycare environment is very significant.
Early Childhood: 3 – 5+ ‘Pre-School’ and Daycare teachings become very influential.  Trust still to parents, siblings, guardians
Late Childhood: 6 – 12+ Teachers become the primarily source of Education; parents still guide values/beliefs; Media/TV significant
Adolescence: 12/13 – 19/20 ‘to grow up;’ Teenager; Peer influence is significant; Bar Mitzvah (son of the law – coming of age); Media
Early Adulthood:  18/20 – 40 ‘Adultus’ = ‘grown up;’ if one can marry and join military without parental consent at 18, they’re an adult; college, occupation & family – main influences.
Middle Adulthood: 40 – 60/65 Family, acquaintances, media & continuing education.
Late Adulthood: 60/65 – 80 Family, acquaintances, Medical personnel and media
Very Late Adulthood: 80+ Family and Medical Personnel most influential

In 1635, the Boston Latin School was founded.    The New England colonies passed laws that their towns would ‘choose men to manage the important affairs of learning, such as deciding local taxes, hiring teachers… and determining the length of the school year.’  In 1642 the Massachusetts Bay Colony enacted laws for ‘proper… education.’  In 1644, the first tax to support school was passed in Massachusetts. In 1721, Boston established America’s first permanent school committee – the first school Board; and ‘common schools’ began to be built throughout the colonies.

In 1777, The New England Primer was published.  It contained ‘the young CHILD’s morning Prayer,’ which began, “Almighty God the Maker of every thing in Heaven and Earth…” The ‘Child’s Evening Prayer,’ “O Lord… I pray thee for Christ’s Sake, forgive me whatsoever I have done amiss this Day, and keep me all this Night, while I am asleep… Amen.”   The Primer taught home and school children ‘letters,’ ‘syllables,’ ‘words of one Syllable… words of six Syllables… an Alphabet of Lessons;’ Biblical answers to questions such as who was the ‘first Christian Martyr?’ (Stephen).  It taught ‘Grace before and after Meat.’ “Bless me, O Lord and let my food strengthen me to serve thee, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.”  The Primer taught ‘The LORD’s Prayer,’ “The CREED.  I believe in God the Father… in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord… in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic (Universal) Church… the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.”

The Premier taught ‘Duty to God and our neighbour;’ ‘Our Saviour’s Golden Rule: Be you to others kind and true, As you’d have others be to you…’  It taught CHARACTER.   Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Intelligence plus Character – that is the goal of true education.”

In 1782, Congress approved the printing of the ‘Aitken Bible’ as ‘a neat Edition of the Holy Scriptures for the use of schools.’  In 1837, Horace Mann became the first ‘appointed secretary’ of the Board of Education of Massachusetts.  He visited every school in the state and in 1838 founded The Common School Journal stating, “…public school …education should be paid for, controlled and sustained… (for) children from a variety of backgrounds …education should be provided by well-trained, professional teachers…”  After traveling in Europe in 1843 to visit schools, he returned and in 1852 Massachusetts adopted the ‘Prussian education system;’ they were followed by several New York schools.

Mann pushed for School Laws that affirmed ‘our Public Schools are not Theological Seminaries’ and were ‘debarred by law (1st Amendment) from inculcating the pecullar and distinctive doctrines of ANY ONE RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION amongst us…’  HOWEVER, he and the law assured the general teaching stating that ‘our system earnestly inculcates ALL CHRISTIAN MORALS… it Welcomes the RELIGION of the BIBLE; and in RECEVING THE BIBLE, it allows it to do what it is allowed to do… speak for itself.”  Thus, states began to move From ONE particular Church (Denomination) teaching and Legislature’s proscribed books ‘calculated to favor the TENETS of any set of Christians.’

Aitken Bible.jpg



The first or oldest colleges in America were mostly founded and established by CHRISTIANS.  Colleges and Universities set curriculums, provided ‘educated’ instructors and most offered libraries.  According to The College Student’s Manual… (1844), which listed information on over 250 schools, by 1880 in the United States there were 30 colleges and universities in whose libraries were 20,000 or more volumes (books).  Harvard led with > 277,000, then Yale – 152,000, Princeton – 65,000, Dartmouth – 62,000, & Columbia 50,000.

            Primarily from the 1844 College Student’s Manual
Founded Faculty Students Tuition $ Founded by
Harvard 1636 193 1,522 150 Puritan
William & Mary 1693 ? ? ? Church of England
Yale 1701 109 1,096 140 Puritan
Princeton 1746 41 523 100 Presbyterian
Columbia 1754 100 1,600 100-150 Church of England
Uni. of Penn. 1747 53 1,040 150 Episcopalian
Brown 1764 ? ? ? Baptist
Rutgers 1766 18 129 75 Dutch Reformed
Washington & Lee 1749 9 140 70 Presbyterian
Dartmouth 1769 39 430 90 Congregationalist
Dickinson 1783 77 145 Scholarship Methodist Episc.
Uni. of Georgia 1785 ? ? ? State of GA
Uni. of N. Carolina 1789 16 225 85 State of NC
Uni. of Vermont 1791 22 292 45 Non-sectarian
Williams 1793 19 275 90 Congregationalist

(Puritan is also called Congregationalist; Church of England was also called Episcopal.  Most of the above schools were founded under other names, such as Washington College.  Non-sectarian or state-founded is not affiliated with a particular religious denomination)

The fact that most or all of the early colleges/universities are no longer controlled by their original founding denominations displays the power of social changes in public religion and politics.  And for those very reasons, in order to control the system of education at institutions of learning, men and organizations have formed various Christian colleges.  Moreover, today’s Christian Universities, Colleges, and Seminaries are significantly influenced by their founders.  In many cases the institution was founded by someone or group that appeared nationally at conferences, on TV or on some other form of Christian media.

According to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), “the U. S. Department of Education reports that there are more than 4,000 degree-granting institutions of higher education in the U. S. alone.  About 1,600 of those are private… and about 900 of these …describe themselves as ‘religiously affiliated.’ Their study showed enrollment in Religious-Affiliated Institutions (RAI) increased almost 16 % from 1990 to 1998, compared to only 5.3 % of all colleges or 3 % of all public institutions.  Yet, non-sectarian or non-RAI private institutions increased at close to the same rate.

According to the Digest of Education Statistics: 2007 complied by the National Center for Education Statistics, using statistics from the U. S. Dept. of Education, they found that “in the fall of 2007, about 73.7 million people were enrolled in American schools and colleges.  About 4.6 million people were employed as elementary and secondary school teachers…  In 1929-30, there were about 248,000 public schools, compared with about 97,000 in 2005-06… The average number of students in elementary schools …2005-06 was 473 …the average number of students in secondary schools was 709 in 2005-06.  …In 2004, about 1.3 billion students were enrolled in schools around the world; …685 million were in elementary… 503 million were in secondary… College enrollment (U.S.) was …18 million in Fall 2007 …about 1.3 million faculty members.”

The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) is made up of 252 Religious-Affiliated Institutions of Higher Education in the U. S. (217) and Canada (35).  In 2007, of these schools, there were 79,100 enrolled students in ministerial studies; about 87% were white; and 54% were Protestant, 22 % Non-, Inter-, or Multi-denominational; and 19 % Roman Catholic.


It was not until a generation after the Bible (1963) and Prayer (1962) was declared ‘unconstitutional’ and basically ‘banned’ from PUBLIC SCHOOLS that secular teachings like Evolution gained ground in America’s Elementary and Secondary School Systems.   Moreover, ironically, the same state that promoted such great Christianity, even for which the Mayflower Compact (1620) stated ‘for the Advancement of the Christian Faith’ that in 2004 became the first state – Massachusetts – to pass a law allowing SAME-SEX MARRIAGE.   Pressure for the freedom of ‘sexual orientation’ can from small liberal secular groups all the way to the Union Nations Agenda.  Even now the new UN Agenda 2030 is ‘Leave no one behind,’ and that definitely includes the LGBT.

In 1991, the LGBT put forth Heather Has Two Mommies which worked its way into many Elementary School Systems.  See the following LINK for a brief history of how the LGBT agenda was pushed and force upon politicians by a very small percentage and then a generation later like Same-Sex Marriage became accepted by the majority of Americans.

Path to Same-Sex Marriage: Part I

Path to Same-Sex Marriage: Part II

Now, understand; for centuries Christian Education had been taught in European and America Public Schools, and for centuries a man having sex with a man was not only an abomination to God, but seen as immoral to most citizens so that CRIMINAL LAWS were enacted – and still are in most Muslim Nations.  So that we no longer put men in jail for abdominal sexual intercourse (which is a leading and proven cause of AIDs and Tax dollar disbursements), they were taken off the books.  However, the movement continued until it REPLACED majority welcomed Christian Value Teaching with their IDEALOGY.

The Medical Field which for centuries had SAID that HOMOSEXUALITY was an ABNORMALITY, Now was saying it was NORMAL.  However, in order to continue receiving FEDERAL FUNDS, psychiatrists, social workers and the like would Diagnose a confused or troubled Homosexual with ‘Anxiety Disorder,’ ‘Depression’ or being a subject of ‘Bullying’ in need of Counseling for those reasons.

AND in 2008, the American Psychological Association (APA), moved by GLSEN and other such LGBT ‘Non-profit’ Organizations, in coordination with 12 other NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, produced the brochure: Just the Facts about Youth and Sexual Orientation and mailed to ALL Public School Superintendents in the United States.  It was primarily a major blow against VOLUNTARY ‘sexual-reorientation therapy’ By NARTH and such groups.  Medical Associations would soon after ban and attempt to ban ALL such attempts to CHANGE Back a LGBT individual.


The Brochure:

A Publication Endorsed by: American Academy of Pediatrics American Association of School Administrators American Counseling Association American Federation of Teachers American Psychological Association American School Counselor Association American School Health Association Interfaith Alliance Foundation National Association of School Psychologists National Association of Secondary School Principals National Association of Social Workers National Education Association School Social Work Association of America

It is beyond the scope of this article to answer this; but the following link is to NARTH’s Response and Note that this WOULD CHANGE teachings in PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS and Thus, SIGNIFICANTLY INFLUENCE and CHANGE CHILDREN’s Beliefs.

Click to access NARTHs-response-to-Just-the-Facts-About-Sexual-Orientation-and-Youth.pdf

It is significant to note that in August 2008, the American College of Pediatricians offered a rebuttal called On the Promotion of Homosexuality in the Schools.  It stated, ‘One of the most coordinated efforts to convince school officials to embrace this position was launched by a coalition of 13 organizations which produced a brochure entitled, Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth. This coalition, which includes the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychiatric Association, and the National Education Association, mailed the brochure in January 2008 to all 16,000 public school superintendents in the United States. The purpose of the brochure is to:

  • Promote the notion that all forms of sexual attraction among students (regardless of age) are equally and entirely normal,   including heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality.
    • Inform educators that all sexual-reorientation therapy may be harmful and should be prohibited.
    • Warn school officials that student clubs advocating the practice of homosexuality must be allowed on campus.

The American College of Pediatricians disagrees with the coalition and presents this scientific response:  The etiology of homosexual attraction is determined by a combination of familial, environmental, and social influences. For some individuals the inheritance of predisposing personality traits may also play a role.
• While homosexual attraction may not be a conscious choice, it is changeable for many individuals.
• Declaring and validating a student’s same-sex attraction during the adolescent years is premature and may be harmful.
• Many youth with homosexual attractions have experienced a troubled upbringing, including sexual abuse, and are in need of therapy.
• The homosexual lifestyle carries grave health risks.
• Sexual reorientation therapy can be effective. Students and parents should be aware of all therapeutic options.
• There is no evidence that pro-homosexual programs, such as on-campus student clubs, ease the health disorders of homosexual youth.
• The Just the Facts brochure is based upon statements of endorsement of adolescent homosexuality by coalition organizations, and not upon citations of evidence-based research.


Nevertheless, COMMON CORE accepted the LBGT agenda and put it is Public School Text along with Evolution teaching.  Hillary Clinton and other moved to ‘changes our deep seated Religious Beliefs’ and accept the New Agenda.  And in 2014, GLSEN backed the LGBT-Inclusive and Affirming Curriculum for All Students and Developing LGBT-inclusive Classroom Resources. The Developing article displays COMMON CORE ‘Standards’ next to the LGBT ‘Planning’ and ‘Consideration’ objectives.

Click to access LGBT%20incl%20curr%20guide.pdf

And the National Education Association continue the agenda with A School Employee’s Guide to GLBT Issues; 2nd Edition.

Click to access glbtstrengthenlearningenvirong2006.pdf

THE CHANGE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS and UNIVERSITIES since the 1960s and especially since the 1980s and new textbooks, HAS DIRECTLY INFLUENCED an Increased in the Non-Religious in SOCIETY.  It has significantly influenced leaders and teachers to the point of changed values, beliefs, methods and laws in not only the United States, but throughout the World.

See Link: Surveys: moving to non-religious

WHEN SOCIETIES and NATIONS reject God and His Teachings and His ‘Way (Deut. 10:12 and John 14:6)’ they with or without knowledge welcome in Doctrines of Demons.

Doctrines of Demons

For more on how Education affects the world, see the United Nations brochure: Education Transforms Lives:

Click to access 223115E.pdf


Environment is defined as ‘the conditions that surround someone or something;’ it is as narrow as pertaining to the ecosystem, and as board as all surroundings, including social, business, economic, political, ecological and spiritual.  Environment also can be viewed as local, national and global.

Natural or Ecological Environment includes interaction with living things, climate and natural resources.  Sometimes called the physical environment, the natural or biophysical environment includes important issues such as air and water pollution; as well as land management, atmosphere and climate.

Social Environment is the immediate physical and social setting in which people live.  It includes the community, culture and institutions which surrounds the individual.  Social Environment includes the religious environment.

Political Environment is the local, state, and national government and their institutions and legislation, laws and regulations; as well as the influence of the United Nations and its institutions and those like them.

Economic Environment pertains to the systems of production, consumption and management of resources.  It includes financial systems and the makeup of the labor force.  It includes to wealth of a nation and the distribution of its wealth.

Sociopolitical Environment refers to the interaction of social and political factors.


Obviously an individual’s family and significant acquaintances have a direct impact on their life; additionally, one’s location ENVIRONMENT has a direct influence on the lives and can affect the impact of sickness and disease, depression and even spiritual forces upon them.   For example, according a person living in Armenia is more than twice more likely to get Cancer than a person in Finland or Malawi.  Yet a person in Finland (or the US) is three times or more likely to get Alzheimer’s than most other nations; and the average life expectancy in Malawi in 1960 (according to NIH), do to war and AIDS, was 37 years for a male and in 2003 was only 47.

Also, Malnutrition and AIDS is extremely worst in Africa than all other parts of the world; and much of this directly related to their level of poverty and education.   As for as Violence, Central and South America still has the highest levels, although of course parts of the Middle East are very volatile.  Also, studies and data has shown a direct relationship to climate, including lack of light or increase in cold to suicide and extreme hot temperatures to malnutrition.

Thus, a person’s place of residence is directly related to the type or level of education, peace or violence, sickness or health, climate, religion, politics, wealth or poverty, and thus levels of depression and spiritual influences.