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Are DEMONS Real? Cases & Testimonies

Are DEMONS Real? Cases and Testimonies

       You who are reluctant to believe in the supernatural as related to demons, if I gave you two eyewitness accounts would you believe; or what if I gave you ten; or perhaps 100 different cases, then would you believe?  The following are cases outside of biblical examples of Demonic occurrences and possession.  Several cases are covered in this article; others will be in other articles or parts.  The last in this article covers the real story that inspired ‘The Exorcist.’

Children of Latoya Ammons

Late 2011, the family moved into their home on Carolina Street in Gary, Indiana.  Almost immediately, they heard and saw strange things – footsteps in the basement and footprints streaking across the living room; as well as swarms of flies.  In March 2012, Ms. Ammons went to check on her 12 year-old daughter after hearing screams.  When she entered her bedroom she saw her daughter levitating above her bed unconscious.   Guests that were at the house witnessed the event and prayed over her.  The torment continued, Ms. Ammons could not afford to move from the home.  Latoya reported that her children’s eyes bulged and their faces looked evil.  Her youngest would sit in a closet and talk to an invisible child.  The daughter was also thrown from the bathroom in one instance.  Their grandmother, Rosa Campbell witnessed and verified many of the events.

Dr. Geoffrey Onyeukwu told The Star, ‘Twenty years, and I’ve never heard anything like that in my life; I was scared myself when I walked into the room.’  I witnessed ‘delusions of ghost in home’ and ‘hallucinations.’  Yet, April 19, 2012, the son cursed Onyeukwu in demonic voices, raging at him; and Medical staff witnessed the youngest boy was ‘lifted and thrown into the wall with nobody touching him.’  Police and emergency personnel took the boys to the Methodist Hospital.  Ms. Ammons stated the hospital personnel laughed went she was asking for olive oil to anoint them.

The Hospital notified the DCS.  So child protective services were called in to investigate the mother for possible child abuse or mental illnesses in the family.  A psychiatrist evaluated Ms. Ammons and determined she was sincere.  A case manager interviewed the family and witnessed a number of strange occurrences.  Valerie Washington confirmed she witnessed the youngest boy growling before his eyes rolled back in his head.  MORE OVER Valerie testified that she saw the 9 year old boy with a ‘weird grin’ and then walk backward up a wall to the ceiling.  A nurse was present that confirm the event and told the Indianapolis Star, ‘there’s no way he could’ve done that.’  Ms. Washington concluded in her case file that an ‘evil influence’ was affecting the children.

Ms. Ammons called a Parish Catholic Priest, Rev. Michael Maginot, who on April 22, visited Latoya and her mother, Ms. Campbell.  As they were talking, Ms. Campbell pointed to the bathroom flickering light.  The flickering would stop each time Rev. Maginot walked over to see it.   The priest also witnessed the footprints being made in the living room.  He blessed the house, prayed, read from the Bible and sprinkled holy water in each room.  He also ‘exorcized’ the home on other times.  Police Capt. Charles Austin was called to the home.  He reported that his flash light failed to work after new batteries were put in them; and that he saw a white image in the upper corner of the basement; a photo was taken.  His radio on his police cruiser malfunctioned; and another car in the driveway had its driver seat rocking back and forth with no one in the care. The Captain told The Star that after several visits to the home and witnessing certain strange events, he was ‘a believer.’    Many city officials and police officers would not enter or reenter the home.

The DCS petitioned the Juvenile Court for temporary wardship of the 3 children and it was granted in part because the children were not attending school.  Ms. Ammon stated it was because the demons tormented them and they rarely sleep through the night.  Clinical psychologist Stacy Wright evaluated the youngest boy and reported he acted ‘possessed,’ but did not conclude that.  Clinical psychologist Joel Schwartz, who evaluated the older son and daughter, came to similar findings.  The DCS informed Ms. Ammons she needed to use ‘alternate forms of discipline not directly related to religion and demon possession.’  However, May 10, Capt. Austin, another officers and Rev. Maginot, revisited the home, with a police dog and DCS case manager Samantha Ilic.

The officer dug a 4’ hole under the stairs and found white panties, socks and a heavy metal object.  They also found oil on the blinds in one room; wiped it off, sealed the room and reentered about 30 minutes later to find the oil again dripping down the blinds.  Bishop Dale Melczek, who had never authorized an exorcism in 21 years, first denied and then gave Rev. Maginot permission.  Ilic, who had touch an oily substance in the basement, reported that she got third-degree burns from a motorcycle after visiting the house; broke 3 ribs Jet Skiing the next month and broke an ankle running in flip-flops.  A friend and Ms. Ammons witnessed their computer kept shutting down when searching for ‘demons.’  Ms. Ammons and the children moved from the house and never reported demonic events again.  The landlord, Charles Reed, again rented the house, and sold it.  Zak Bagans, producer of ‘Ghost Adventures’ on the Travel Channel bought the house in 2014 and after investigating demolished it.

Ammons house demolished.jpg

The Star collected about 800 pages of official records, including a dozen interviews with police, Department of Child Services, psychologists and a Catholic priest.

See their testimonies for yourself:

Clara Germana Cele

In 1906, Clara Germana Cele was a student at St. Michael’s Mission in Natal, South Africa.  Facts show that Cele prayed and made a pact with the devil when she was 16.  And days later, she was overtaken or possessed.  She would be repulsed by crucifixes.  She came to speak and understand several foreign languages she was never exposed to before.  Nuns and over 170 people witnessed her levitating up to five feet in the air; making beastly sounds; and even throwing several people about like they were pillows.  Cele tried to strangle one of the priests who attempted an exorcism on her; after two days the demonic spirit(s) left her.  She returned to living ‘normally.’  The priest involved in the exorcism were Rev. Mansueti (Director of the Mission) and Rev. Erasmus.

“R” “Robbie Mannheim” “Roland Doe” & ‘The Exorcist

In 1949, in Cottage City (Mount Rainier), Maryland, there was a 13 year old boy we will call “R,” whose identity has been kept secret.  The case of ‘R’ is one of the most popular due to the fact that it inspired a 1971 novel; then the 1973 movie ‘The Exorcist.’  The supernatural horror was produced by William P. Blatty who also wrote the book which was a New York Times bestseller.  However, in the movie the victim was a young girl played by Linda Blair.  In R’s case more than two dozen people witnessed parts of the events.  According to Dr. Alvin Kagey, the boy ‘R’ was quiet, unpopular and not very athletic, but very studious and part of a hard working normal family.

In the summer of 1948, ‘R’ and his brother were given an Ouija board by their aunt ‘Tillie’ (also called ‘Aunt Harriet’) who also taught them how to use it.  A few weeks later the aunt died of ‘natural causes.’  Shortly after her death, the family experienced strange occurrences, including noises, thumping on walls, banging from upstairs and even objects moving.  Their portrait of Jesus Christ on the wall was seen banging against the wall by an invisible power.  At first, they took the noises as being from rodents, though a pest control person found dropping or evidence of rodents.  After some time they came to believe it was the Aunt trying to speak to them.

On one occurrence the mother found ‘R’ in bed with the bed shaking violently.  Then, pieces of furniture would move across the floor.  Early 1949, Dr. Kagey’s father visited the home and witnessed ‘R’ being thrown by an invisible force out of a chair across the room.  This was the first witness outside of the family to see the paranormal events.  At that time, ‘R’ would go to school without others seeing the bruises on his body.  The family did not drawn attention to their torment at that time.

After visits to the family physician, they turned to the Church.  First to Lutheran Rev. Luther Miles Schulze; then it was referred to Catholic Father Albert Hughes visited ‘R’ in February 1949.  After Hughes death in 1980, Father Bober was still confirming the case.  Bober recalled Hughes describing ‘R’ with a ‘dark stare, almost as if there were nothing behind the eyes.’  While in Father Hughes office, ‘R’ often stared at the Bible as with distain and fear.  During an examination, Father Hughes and the chair he was in levitated and was pinned against the wall.  Fr. Hughes asked, ‘What is your name?’  ‘R’ stated ‘I am legions.’  Fr. Hughes followed Jesus’ example in asking, but must have been surprised to hear the same answer (Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30).  ‘R’ would later become the first exorcism performed by Father Hughes.  The mother brought home some ‘blessed candles’ which a demon through a comb at one evening after they were set up.  Six witnesses came to his house and they observed him receiving cuts on his stomach under the covers by an invisible hand.

About that time, the 13 year old ‘R’ was accepted the Jesuit hospital, Georgetown University in Washington D.C.  There many violent fits were witnessed along with rocking, yelling, spitting, vomiting and even foaming at the mouth; also a bookcase spun 360 degrees.  Certain nurses physically restrained the boy; yet, he would flail his way lose.  When Fr. Hughes read exorcism prayers over him, he broke free, reached under the bed, ripped out a box spring and seriously cut Hughes arm.  During the priest’ time of healing, ‘R’ was release to his home.

There ‘R’ continued to receive cuts and bruises.  One night the mother saw the word ‘Louis’ (some say ‘St Louis) appear as branded on his chest.  Soon afterwards, the family moved in with relatives in Saint Louis.  A cousin called one of his professors at St. Louis University, Rev. Raymond Bishop, who spoke with Father William Bowdern, who after examination believed also that he boy was possessed, but wanted to exercise extreme caution after the injury of Father Hughes.  Several priests would visit and observe ‘R’ who would often spit at them, threaten them with a strange voice, make vulgar sexual propositions and other such things.   During the three weeks, a diary was kept by one of the priests and was later sought after by William Peter Blatty, who according to Steve Erdmann (‘The Truth Behind The Exorcist;’1975, Fate magazine), was a student of Father Gallagher at Georgetown University during the same time ‘R’ was there.  ‘R’  was removed from 8th grade at Bladensburg Junior High do to his ill nature and such things as his desk moving which they suppose he was faking; and later there was some talk of his going back to school, and on his wrist appeared ‘NO’ and ‘N’ on his back.

When interviewed a classmate stated, “we were in eighth grade… in class together at Bladensburg… he was sitting in a chair (attacked to the desk) and it… began shaking the desk extremely fast and I remember the teacher yelling at him to stop and …he kind of yelled back ‘I’m not doing it!’ and they took him out of the class and that was the last I ever saw him in school… and I remember going to his house and his German grandmother …barely spoke English… said his family went to St. Louis…  When that Washington Post article came out later that summer, I knew from the details it was him.”

The Post article was ‘Priest Frees Mt. Rainer Boy Reported Held in Devil’s Grip, by Bill Brinkley; Aug. 20, 1949.’  It reported, “Only after between 20 and 30 performances of the ancient ritual of exorcism, here and in St. Louis, was the devil finally cast out of the boy, it was said… The boy was taken to Georgetown University Hospital here where his affliction was exhaustively studied, and to St. Louis University. Both are Jesuit institutions.  Finally, both Catholic hospitals, said the priest, reported they were unable to cure the boy through natural means.  Only then, said a priest here, was a supernatural cure sought.  The ritual was undertaken by a St. Louis priest-a Jesuit in his 50s-who devoted himself to the task through prayers and fasting.  The ritual began in St. Louis, continued here and finally ended in St. Louis.  For two months the priest stayed with the boy, accompanying him back and forth on the train, sleeping in the same house and sometimes in the same room with him. …Even through the ritual of exorcism the boy was by no means cured readily.  Repeatedly, each time the ritual was performed, the final violent reaction would come from the boy when the words were spoken, “I cast thee out”-a reaction of profanity and screaming and the astounding use of Latin phrases, the priest was reported as saying.  In one manifestation the boy reported that he had seen a vision of St. Michael casting out the devil. Finally, at the last performance of the ritual, the boy was quiet. Since then, it was reported, all manifestations have ceased.”

In 1950, Father Gallagher loaned the diary to Georgetown University dean Father Brian McGrath.  When Gallagher when to get back his 16-page account as a guide for future exorcisms, Father McGrath’s secretary informed him at only 9 copied pages remained.   Father O’Hara of Marquette University confirmed these things and was a priest at the exorcisms.  They documented the case as ‘Roland Doe’ born 6-1-1935.

The Diary of 'R'

The case reports stated that January 15, 1949 “a dripping noise was heard in the grandmother’s bedroom… A picture of Christ on the wall shook…’  January 26, 1949 – ‘Aunt Tillie’ who had a deep interest in spiritualism and had introduced Roland to the Ouija Board, died of multiple sclerosis at the age of 54.   February 17, 1949 – On this night a local Lutheran minister named Reverend Shultz arranged to have the boy… and witnessed bed vibrations…  February 26, 1949 – scratches and markings appeared on the boy’s body for four consecutive nights… words began to appear… Hughes of St. James Catholic Church in Mount Rainier was consulted.  He suggested the family use blessed candles and holy water…  About this time ‘Roland’ was removed from school because his desk moved…  March 9, 1949—Father Raymond J. Bishop, S.J., of St. Louis University was called in and witnessed the scratching of the boy’s body and the motion of the mattress.  March 11, 1949—Father Bowdern (described as being pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church) arrived on the scene.  After ‘R’ retired at 11 p.m., Father Bowdern read the Novena prayer of St. Francis Xavier, blessed the boy with a relic… and fixed a relic-encrusted crucifix under the boy’s pillow. …Soon afterward, a loud noise was heard …and five relatives rushed to the scene. They reportedly found that a large book case had moved about, a bench had been turned over, and the crucifix had been moved to the edge of the bed. The shaking of Roland’s mattress came to a halt only after the relatives yelled, “Aunt Tillie, stop!”

March 16, 1949—Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter gave Father Bowdern permission to begin the formal rite of exorcism; that night, accompanied by Father Bishop and a Jesuit scholastic (later revealed to be Walter Halloran), Father Bowdern began reciting the ritual prayers of exorcism.  Throughout March and into April, Roland was confusingly moved back and forth between the home of his aunt in Normandy, Missouri, a nearby rectory, and Alexian Brothers Hospital in South St. Louis. The rite was an ongoing process. …The Roman Ritual of Christian Exorcism reads: “I cast thee out, thou unclean spirit, along with the least encroachment of the wicked enemy and every phantom and diabolical legion.  In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, depart and vanish from this creature of God….”

Erdmann tells of markings appearing on Roland’s body as these proceedings continued and of the boy’s usual bad habits: outbursts featuring excessive cursing, vomiting, urinating and the use of Latin phrases. Erdmann also mentions that on one occasion Roland got his hand on a bedspring, broke it, and jabbed it into a priest’s arm. …Another time during a round of prayers after Roland had been instructed into the Catholic faith and had received his first holy communion, a six-inch portrait of the devil with its hands held above its head, webs stretching from its hands, and horns protruding from its head appeared in deep red on the boy’s calf.  …Later, Roland was transported back to Maryland for a short-lived visit and on one of the train rides he became maniacal, striking Father Bowdern in the testicles and yelling, “That’s a nutcracker for you, isn’t it?”   April 18, 1949—As the nighttime ritual continued, Father Bowdern forced Roland to wear a chain of medals and hold a crucifix in his hands. Roland’s demeanor changed and he calmly asked questions about the meanings of certain Latin prayers. Bowdern continued the ritual, demanding to know who the demon was and when he would depart.  Roland responded with a tantrum and screamed that he was one of the fallen angels. Bowdern kept reciting until 11:00 p.m. when Roland interrupted. In a new masculine voice Roland said, “Satan! Satan! I am St. Michael! I command you, Satan, and the other evil spirits to leave this body, in the name of Dominus, immediately! Now! Now! Now!” Roland had one last spasm before falling quiet. “He is gone,” Roland pronounced, later telling Bowdern he had had a vision of St. Michael holding a flaming sword. Twelve days later he left Missouri and returned to Maryland.

DOMINUS – means ‘Master’ in Latin; as in our Master Jesus Christ.  One article noted that Father Bowdern had lost about 40 pounds over the course of the events during much prayer and fasting.

Other Articles ‘R’

After psychiatrists failed to help the boy at Georgetown University Hospital, Father Hughes was called in to perform the exorcism. At one point the boy ripped out a bedspring and slashed the priest’s arm – this incident was first referred to by Rev. John J. Nicola in The Evening Star and the Washington Daily News article by Gwen Dobson of November 3, 1972.   By the 1980s the house on Bunker Hill and 33rd St. was burned down and it was a vacant lot. covered the Story in around 1997 and stated in their article “Story of The Haunted Boy” they had spoken to certain “members of Mount Rainier’s …oldest families.  …Dean Landolt, candidly told me, ‘I was very good friends with Father Hughes… as was my brother Herbert.  Father Hughes told me two things – one was the  boy lived in Cottage City, and the other is that he went on to graduate from Gonzaga High and turned out fine’.”

The last of the significant newspaper articles that treated this event was also the most widely read, appearing in The Washington Post of May 6, 1985. In an article titled “Youth’s Bizarre Symptoms Led to 1949 Exorcism,” author Arthur S. Brisbane provided a quick overview of the whole story, with a special emphasis on Father Hughes’s role in the local exorcism attempt. The article identifies the location of the boy’s home as 3210 Bunker Hill Road in Mount Rainier, citing The Prince George’s Sentinel article of February 4, 1981 as its source.

The only mention that was ever made of the exorcism was in the August 19, 1949 issue of the Catholic Review, a semi-official church publication.

The WASHINGTON POST covered the story in their August 20, 1949 story – Priest Frees Mt. Rainer Boy Reported Held in Devil’s Grip.

Saint Louis University

St. Louis University, over Alexian Brothers Hospital in St. Louis offers the following on their website (2016) under ‘Exorcism of 1949 Frequently Asked Questions:’   Where did the exorcism take place?  “The rite was started at the boy’s relative’s house in …St. Louis.  …After several nights of disruption… the team moved to Alexian Brothers Hospital…  it has …a rehabilitative facility for alcoholic priests… that hospital building was razed in 1978.”  Who was ‘Robbie…?’ …an alias for the 13-year old boy… the Catholic Church call ‘Roland Doe.’  ‘The Jesuits and Alexians kept track of him… he married around 1970, had children and never suffered anything like possession again.’


Demonic cases recorded in Magnalia Christi Americana