Revealing relevant political and religious news, history, topics and truths

Sources of Influence: Part II

Sources of Influence: Part Two


All LIVING ORGANISMS have DNA, whether plants or animals.  And the DNA looks the same in every organism on Earth.  The differences come in the DNA sequence or order the chemicals appear in the bond or strand.  There are approximately 3 billion letters (A, T, C, and G) in the sequence of the entire human genome – if it was written out in a textbook it would be about 200,000 pages.  Out of the approximate 21,000 genes, most code for proteins [chain(s) of amino acid residues (group of atoms)] and others for RNA.

GENOME is an organism’s complete set of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid), which is a chemical compound that contains the LIVING Thing’s genetic instructions.  The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international research effort to map and understand ‘all the genes of human beings.’  By 2001, the HGP estimated they were 90% complete in mapping the 3 billion (3,000,000,000) base pairs (nucleotides).  About 5 million base pairs of DNA turned about 480,000 times would have a strand length of a little more than 1/16th of an inch or 0.165 cm.  Due to the tightly packed turns about seven feet (7’) of human DNA can fit into a cell only a few micrometers wide.

According to the National Institute of Health’s U.S. National Library of Medicine, “A GENE is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make molecules called proteins. In humans, genes vary in size from a few hundred DNA bases to more than 2 million bases. The Human Genome Project has estimated that humans have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes.  Every person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Most genes are the same in all people, but a small number of genes (less than 1 percent of the total) are slightly different between people… These small differences contribute to each person’s unique physical features…

DNA or DeoxyriboNucleic Acid is made up of long chains of chemicals… Each cell contains a complete copy of a person’s genetic book of life.”

However, without reproduction all living organisms would cease to exist in a generation.  Thus, one of the most fundamental purposes of humans and all living things ‘according to their kind (‘species’ in the Latin Vulgate; English – species or genus; Genesis 1:24) is to reproduce or ‘be fruitful and multiple (Gen. 1:28).’

Every human receives 23 pairs of chromosomes, one pair from each parent.  The word CHROMOSOME comes from the German Chromosom, coined by Wilhelm Hartz in 1888 from the Latin ‘khroma (color)’ because the strands stain easily with dye.  Chromosomes carry the information used to help a cell grow and reproduce.    Twenty-two (22) pairs of the chromosomes are autosomes; and the 23rd pair determines SEX – females (XX) and males (XY).  Chromosomes are in the nucleus of the cell.  During most of the cell’s life cycle, chromosomes are elongated and can’t be seen under a microscope.

Identical twins have exactly the same DNA, but are not exactly alike because external factors.  It is important to understand that we get gene traits from our parents.  Dominant and recessive genes influence our physical looks and health risk.  For example brown eyes are more common than blue or green because brown come from dominant genes and the other from recessive.  Likewise, dark hair comes from dominant gene traits and blonde, red and light from recessive.  Normal hearing, full head of hair, pigmented skin, immunities and blood clotting are all dominant for good reason.

We inherit genes traits from our parents and grandparents.  This is why doctors and insurers ask for family medical history.  Other traits from our parents include things like a bent little finger, cleft chin, acne, color blindness, lactose intolerance, baldness, or aversion to certain smells or aromas.  More importantly, aerobic longevity, food taste or smells, and certain personality traits such as aggressive behavior are inherited.  Also, infections and diseases can be inherited from mutated genes such a sickle cell disease, cancers, heart defects and disease, and diabetes.

And alcoholics can significantly increase the risk in their offspring becoming alcoholics.  Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause the BABY birth defects, Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), learning disabilities, physical disabilities and premature death.  The same for smokers and worse, smoking damages the Baby’s DNA and greatly increases chances of cancer, other diseases, heart defects, other birth defects, disabilities, and premature death.   SERIOUSLY – Cigarettes contain nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar – CARCINOGENIC chemicals.

Use of any drugs has an effect on the mother and likely the Fetus.  However, cocaine not only increased the risk of birth defects, it can cause the fetus to have a stroke – leading to brain damage or even death.  Cocaine and methamphetamine increases the chance of miscarriage, but if the Fetus does survive – the mother is most likely ‘gifting’ the Baby a premature birth followed by physical and mental abnormalities.  Likewise, marijuana increases premature birth and often forces the innocent baby to go through withdrawal symptoms and possible birth defects.  Much of this information has been provided from the Center of Disease CONTROL (CDC) and has been tested and proved for decades.

THUS, the CHOICES of the future PARENTS can significantly affect their offspring.  Diet, exercise, teachings, character and many other factors all matter.   The CHOICES of grandparents and parents affects the offspring as the Bible says, ‘to the third and fourth generation (Exo.34:7, 20:5; Numbers 14:18).’

GENETICS does play a role in physical and mental health, and thus in possible disorders and depressions and the susceptibility to be more influenced by bad CHOICES and general worldly and Demonic Doctrines, Temptations and Influences.

However, ultimately, EVERY PERSON at the age of accountability with the ability to reason somewhat in the normal ranges is responsible for their own CHOICES.  Ezekiel tells us, “The Lord says, “Behold, all souls are Mine …the just shall surely live (everlasting life – Daniel 12:2)! …If (a parent) has a child who becomes a robber or a murderer, or does any of these evil things… (commits) adultery… idolatry… shall surely die and their blood be upon them… (Ezek.18:10-13; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:8).  But if a wicked person turns from all their sins… and does what is lawful and right (Gen. 4:7), they shall live… And if a righteous person turns away from righteousness and commits iniquity (continues in a path of sin; Heb. 10:26) and does the abominations of the wick… shall he live?  All the righteousness …shall not be remembered because of the unfaithfulness of which they are guilty (Exo. 34:6-7).  The soul who sins shall die.  The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son.  …Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’  Hear now… is it not My ways which are fair and your ways which are not fair?  ‘I will judge you… every one according to their ways (Eccl. 12:14; Rom. 14:12),’ says the Lord God.  ‘Repent, and turn from all your sins, so that iniquity will not be your ruin… I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies… turn and live’!”

(below a human cell)


SECTION 3: Ch and Cd (Cell Health and Cell Damage)

The CELL (Latin cella; small room) is the smallest unit of life that can replicate.  The ATOM is the smallest unit of matter (substance with mass); it is composed almost entirely (99.9%) of a nucleus (Latin, nux; nut) and has at least 1 electron bound to the nucleus (protons and neutrons).  There are smaller particles in the nucleus call that have not been observed called quarks.  A MOLECULE is a group of atoms bonded together by chemical bonds and able to take part in a chemical reaction.  These bonding are very important; for example H2O (2 hydrogen atoms with 1 oxygen atom) is water; but H2O2 (adding 1 oxygen) becomes hydrogen peroxide.


CELLS are composed of billions of MOLECULES (DNA, RNA, Proteins, Glycans, Lipids, and smaller molecules).  Our cells are mainly made up of WATER, accounting for about 70% of our cell MASS.  In this sense, humans share about 55% of the same DNA as a Banana.  And because of other like DNA, humans have about 90% of the same DNA as a house cat or Chimpanzee (A 2003 study comparison of 1.87 million base pairs found only 86% similarity; ‘Comparative Sequencing of Human and Chimpanzee MHC Class…’ by A. Tatsuya @ and about 60% similarity to a chicken or house fly.


TISSUES are groups of molecules or cells of similar structure and embryonic origin that perform a common function.  There are four basic types of Tissue: Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous.  Epithelial Tissue is a sheet-like layer of cell that covers or lines such things as our heart, skin and blood vessels.   Connective Tissue ‘connects’ and includes cartilage and bone.  Muscle Tissue made up the support system for the body.  Skeletal muscle contract and support soft tissue; cardiac muscle pushes or pumps blood from the Heart around the body; and smooth muscles support the walls of organs and perform other tasks.   Nervous Tissue includes Nerves, Spinal Cord and the Brain (ie. neurotransmitters).

An ORGAN is an aggregation of tissues that are organized into a self-contained functional unit.  There are 78 organs in the human body.  Our SKIN (protects, eliminates toxins) is our largest organ; next by size are the Lungs (supply oxygen, remove carbon dioxide) and by weight the Liver (absorbs nutrients and stores vitamins and minerals, produces red blood cells and processes fats, sugars, proteins and toxins).  The Brain (neutrons, neurotransmitters) is larger, but slightly less weight than the liver.  The Heart (pumps blood) is fifth by weight and about seventh by size; behind the Pancreas (produces enzymes and digestive chemicals) and Kidneys (excretes waste and toxins).  SIX of these seven are VITAL ORGANS; although the skin is not typically listed in the group, imagine living without any skin.

Humans can live without a pancreas if they take insulin and pills that regulate their digestive enzymes; however typically if cancer is in the pancreas it is found in the late stage, has spread into other organs (liver, lungs) and removal of the tumor is usually less than about 85% for success without death, with a third of the patients dying within 5 years of a successful surgery.  SMOKING significantly causes DAMAGED cells and increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.   Although it is very challenging and a leading cause of stress and depression, humans are able to live without most organs, such as arms, legs, large intestine, stomach, and the tongue.

A GLAND is an ORGAN that secretes chemicals – the liver is the largest gland in the body.   The Pancreas gland produces hormone insulin to regulate sugar level.


A SYSTEM is a group of organs working together as a functional unit.  It has been called ‘the most complex organization’ in your body and is the final stage of cellular development.  There are 11 MAIN SYSTEMS in the HUMAN BODY (Anatomy). The Cardiovascular/Circulatory (Heart) circulates or circles blood from (arteries) and back to (veins) the Heart, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and cells and carrying their waste away.  Digestive/Excretory (mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines) processes nutrients (food) and eliminates waste.  Endocrine produces hormones (eicosanoids, steroids and amino acids) to communicate.  Integumentary/Exocrine includes skin, hair, nails; sweat, mammary and other exocrine glands.  Lymphatic/Immune contains white blood cells and transports fat and proteins via lymph; and helps protect or DEFEND the body against diseases and fights infections.  Muscular/Skeletal (Muscles, tendons & Bones) enables the body to move and supports the body and organs.  NERVOUS System collects and processes data from the senses via nerves and the BRAIN (Neurotransmitters, Receptors, etc.) and sends messages or impulses to the muscles, etc. to cause various actions.  Renal/Urinary is where the kidneys filter blood.  Respiratory is where the lungs and trachea (windpipe) bring air into the body and exhale carbon dioxide.  Vestibular is the sensory system that regulates balance, orientation and coordinates movement with balance.  The Reproductive System includes the sex organs necessary for producing offspring.

Human Systems.jpg

An ORGANISM is a complete living thing or living system.  It is as in “the Lord God formed man from the dust (elements, molecules) of the dust of the ground (primarily carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen) and breathed into his nostrils (respiratory system) the breath of life; and man became a LIVING SOUL (Living Being; Genesis 2:7).”


About 3000 years ago it was written in Psalms 90:10 (90-10 = 80), “The days of our lives are 70 years; and if by reason of strength they are 80 years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off and we fly away.”   Today after about a hundred generations, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2015) global average life expectancy at birth is 71.4 years.  That should give all pause to consider the spiritual wisdom and prophetic truths of the Holy Scriptures.

Worldwide there are about 360,000 births per day and 152,000 deaths per day or about two souls leaving this life every second.   There will be about 7.5 billion humans on Earth at the end of 2016.

PROPER DIET AND EXERCISE and exposure to SUNLIGHT is essential to HEALTHY LIVING.  Unhealthy diets lead to malnutrition, obesity, infections, mental disorders, diseases and death.  Lack of exercise or physical activity (at least 4 hours per week) affects the body’s weight, immune system, mental functioning, energy and risk of diseases.   Proper exposure to sunlight causes the body to produce Vitamin D and endorphins.  Vitamin D helps bone, skin and immune health (kills certain bad bacteria), strengthens teeth, lowers cholesterol and fights certain cancers and symptoms of asthma.  Sunlight deprivation can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – Depression.  Depending on location, about 10 minutes of direct Sun in the summer and 15 minutes in the winter causes 1,000 IU of vitamin D.


According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) about 20 million Americas have some form of peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage or disease) from damage to the PNS.  NIH’s NINDS states, ‘Damage to the nerves that supply internal organs may impair digestion, sweating, sexual function, urination, and even breathing, and in occasional cases organ failure.’  Damage can occur from accidents, trauma, infections and even disease – such as AIDS, cancer or diabetic onset.

According to the NIH, “When the brain is healthy it functions quickly and automatically. But when problems occur, the results can be devastating. Some 50 million people in this country—one in five—suffer from damage to the nervous system. The NINDS supports research on more than 600 neurological diseases. Some of the major types of disorders include: neurogenetic diseases (such as Huntington’s disease and muscular dystrophy), developmental disorders (such as cerebral palsy), degenerative diseases of adult life (such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease), metabolic diseases (such as Gaucher’s disease), cerebrovascular diseases (such as stroke and vascular dementia), trauma (such as spinal cord and head injury), convulsive disorders (such as epilepsy), infectious diseases (such as AIDS dementia), and brain tumors.”

Cell damage can lead to lack of functioning normal, disabilities, stress, and depression.  Humans and living organism cannot change their genetic heredity or accidents; but humans do have CHOICES about Diet, Exercise, Alcohol intake, Smoking and Drugs.  Thus, our choices are DIRECTLY AFFECT our BODY and thus our Neurotransmitters and Physical and Mental Status.  And thus, both directly and indirectly affects our ability to deal with Depression and other thoughts, including Demonic Doctrines and Temptations.

According to (2016), “Worldwide every two seconds another child becomes an orphan – 44,000 every day.  Hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to their health, 60 million children go to bed hungry every night and every 90 seconds an orphan starves to death.”

Neurotransmitters have axons – like a TV or Phone cable; it is the long part that extends from the nerve cell Dendrite and nucleus; it has synaptic terminals at the end that transmit to other cells.  Improper Diets, Drugs and Depression can significantly affect our neurotransmitters and thus Choices and thus susceptibility to suggestion and influences.  As a matter of fact, when doctors fill we have certain problems, they often try to use drugs to regulate or somewhat control certain Neurotransmitters.


Sources of Influence: Part III