Revealing relevant political and religious news, history, topics and truths

About TTS

The Truth Source (TTS) is an endeavor to present relevant information and history; reveal both useful and obscure facts; expose political and powerful agendas; address social, political and economic issues; teach significant religious doctrinal truths, while also disclosing error and personal influences in religious teachings; and to report current trends and events, particularly as they relate to Injustice and Moral or Political changes.

Most high quality online articles are between 1,500 and 2,500 words.  Many of our articles are 5,000 to 15,000 words.  Just as one cannot become a professional physician or an engineer in a few weeks or even a few years; a person typically cannot receive sufficient knowledge and understanding on a subject without much information. (TTS) began April, 2016; however, we have been involved in research, writing and ministry for over 20 years.  A few of the articles are from works that were done over the last two decades; yet, most are very current and with occasional updates according to their topic and purpose.  The first year, TTS was viewed from 89 countries; and by January 2018 from 110 countries (193 in United Nations).  We thank you for time, interest and consideration.  Since its launch we have been view from nearly every country in the world.  We are committed to factual articles; and hope to continue to deliver impartial quality content.

Founder statement: By the time i was in my early twenties, the search for Truth had been a passion of mine.  Intertwined in that search are too many variables to list or remember.  But of course i was influenced by family, friends, teachers and books (before google you know).  So as i matured in my search for knowledge and truth; i found on the path towards Truth the necessary use of wisdom, science, history, reasoning and logic; whether the topic is history, religion, laws and morals, anthropology, cosmology, or concerning “the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

TTC is a non-profit effort and hopes to expand its organization and ability to continue its missions.  Speakers may be available for various platforms through contacting us at

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