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Foreign policy is a nation or government’s strategy or programs in dealing with other countries.   This interaction includes various forms and levels of politics, economics and global influence from international systems.   It is often referred to as foreign relations or affairs.  A country’s foreign relations strategy and diplomacy will have a substantial and direct effect on it policies of war, trade, as well as choice and support of alliances.

Universities typically teach Foreign Policy in part by categorizing principal theories on international relations such as: Realism (Rational), Liberalism, Constructionist (Idealism) or Marxism.  However, there are four (4) important points to make before going farther.

  1. Foreign Policy is most often viewed from the perspective of the individuals purporting or explaining it. For example, primarily writes from an American and Christian position viewing out into the world.
  1. The foreign policies of every nation are significantly influenced and affected by international systems policies, such as decisions from the United Nations, Alliances such as NATO or the SCO, as well as International Summits and other Global meetings such as by Bilderberg.
  1. Foreign Policy is almost always developed and pursued with consideration of and influences and input from International Financial Markets and Corporations and their lobbyists and or representatives.
  1. Political and charismatic leaders have a significant impact of foreign policy.

The modern foreign policies of nearly every nation cannot be placed into a single long-term theory or application.  They are constantly being changed and amended and tweeted and pushed upon and influenced by domestic and global forces.

Goal / Purpose

The purpose of this section on ‘Foreign Policy’ is to investigate and provide relevant information on the structure, workings and current events relating to the organizations and people that affect the world’s future.

Brief Note

Since the American Revolution (1775-1783) and our declaration of Independence as the ‘United States of America’ (1776) our country has been involved in more than 40 wars – about 1 every 6 years.  Before World War I (WWI) the wars were primarily related to conflicts within the continental United States or at its borders.  By the 1930s, US foreign policy was to stay out of the wars in Europe and Asia.  However, peace and disarmament agreements were failing.  And by 1939, after Germany invaded Poland and had its sites on Western Europe, the US again prepared for war, though it sought not to get involved.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked America at Pearl Harbor and the US entered WWII against the Axis Powers (Germany, Japan and Italy).  The war ended with great cost of lives and resources, and many nations came together with a primarily central goal to prevent future nuclear war.  The United Nations was formed and tasked when overseeing such territories and Germany and Palestine.  But though the war may have gone cold for the United States, wars and conflicts continued around the war.  At that time European nations still have colonies primarily in Africa and Central America.    Also, Russia was seeking to expand and grow in power, though in the future the Soviet Union would actually be divided following what some called ‘the (1991) collapse of the Soviet Union.’

The 1960s were filled with nations becoming independent and with nations positioning themselves for the economic and political future.  America and Russia came close to war a few times and their weapons and politics would meet often on battles fields across the world.   For decades, civil wars and border wars continued in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central America and South America.  By the 1980s international corporations were common.  By the 1990s alliances were firmly in place and relations were established creating trade agreements and organizations and seeking to strengthen their alliances.

Though with live in a technologically advanced world; it has not bought more peace, but better weapons and abilities to led coups and fight conflicts and war.  Not only is war seen by many as a business, many believe that in the light of all of the world’s resources and riches, wealth inequality in both developed and undeveloped nations has grown and in many cases corruption and war followed.