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Human Anatomy: Body, Soul and Spirit

What is the anatomy or dissection of a Human?  This article will look at the body, soul and spirit, and offer both evidence and common opinion on the subject.



Week 1 Week 1
Male and female join together in sexual intercourse in which the sperm penetrates the egg and it is fertilized within Day One and a Zygote (Greek – ‘to yoke or join;’ a fertilized ovum; cell organism; life) is formed; its becomes 2 cells and splits or multiplies into 4, 8 and becomes a Morula (early-stage embryo; days 3-4 – developed into 16 cells); then the Blastocyst (Greek – ‘a sprout’) which reaches and embeds in the uterus (womb; endometrium). An organism can be a single-celled life form; the smallest living thing. Life must include animation (vitality; energy; movement; humans – spirit); typically includes the ability to grow and reproduce.  There is no life without being touched by the Spirit of God… all life in this sense is miraculous.

Week One: A life form has been created within a day of conception; however, there are no organs to breath a soul into; thus, it ‘appears’ that only natural life exists.

“The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life (Job 33:4).”

Weeks 2 – 13 Weeks 1 – 13
About Day 8 the cells inside the blastocyst (embryoblast) will begin to develop into the fetus; the cells outside will become the placenta. The hormone HCG is produced signaling pregnancy.


Before about 11 days, many scientists believe that about half of all fertilized eggs never complete the process of implantation into the wall of the uterus.

Up to this point a ‘morning after’ pill will prevent implantation and pregnancy.


According to new studies as early as 17 days after conception the first organ – the heart – begins to form and beat.  At about embryonic week 3 the brain, spine and heart are forming.


After a single month (about week 5) the heart is beating about 120 beats and can be detected by ultrasound.  Hands, feet and face are forming.


At 10 weeks the baby/fetus is about 1.2 inches and weighs about 1.2 ounces or 35 grams.   Bones and fingerprints are being formed.


At 13 weeks (3 months) the average fetus is 2.5 inches and 2.6 ounces.  ALL MAJOR ORGANS are formed.  And the baby’s pancreas is making insulin; and kidneys producing urine (though the waste stay in the baby’s intestines until after birth except for rare cases).


If multiples: Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits into two.   They have the exact same genes.  Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm and do not share the same genes.  Multiple births can be fraternal, identical or a combination.

Judaism: Many Jewish Rabbis believe according to midrash Tanhumah that all souls were created during the Six Days of Creation and before birth, God calls the soul to the baby.  Most Rabbis believe it is at the first breathe of the child.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you… (Jer. 1:5).”

Hinduism: Hindus believe in ‘the triple births of a Soul’ – at conception through the father’s sperm; second in the mother’s womb and third at birth.  They belief these are rebirths of reincarnated souls.

Greek Philosopher: Aristotle (c. 330 BC) taught that one male semen created the embryo and that the fetus had a soul, at first as a vegetable, then as an animal and lastly ‘animated’ with a human soul by ‘ensoulment.’  He taught for males ensoulment happened at 40 days after conception and 90 days for females.

Christian: Believes vary on the time of entry, but not on the scriptures.  “The life of flesh is in its blood (Lev. 17:11).”  “The Lord God formed/created a man (Adam) from the elements/dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the MAN became a living being (Gen. 2:7).”  Note Adam was created a grown man; not a Zygote or even a fetus; or dead bones (Ezek. 37:5).

The beginning of blood circulation begins within the placenta about day 9.    Technically, fetuses do not breath in the womb; but do receive oxygen through the placenta from the mother.

In the presence of ‘Jesus Christ’ within the womb of Mary; “Elizabeth’s baby/child (John) leaped in her womb, and she was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41).”


fetus weeks 14 to 26.jpg