Revealing relevant political and religious news, history, topics and truths

Exposing the Sorcerers: the Habsburgs


Featured Image: part of Habsburg family structure (inbreeding to protect power and fortune would result in the loss of a large % of their children not reaching adulthood)

The Habsburgs (Hapsburg) extended their wealth and dominion by marrying heiresses in different regions.  They operated a feudal system and a servitude system, ruled by Counts and Countesses, Dukes and Duchesses, and by Kings and Queens.  Also, when you can trace your linage back 25 generations, and your ancestors have statutes in city squares, creeps and basilicas, portraits in museums and castles and government buildings, and when their family trees, stories, history and influences are written in numerous texts then you should know that it had a serious present during their generations and had power and importance and likely great wealth; the combination of which had to flow some into the modern generations.

But these words do not sufficiently paint the pictures of a organized force that is greatly responsible for much of the beauty in the Vatican and chapels and architecture throughout parts of Europe and more so for the structure of countries and the languages which are spoken on continents – Spanish dominating South and Central America – and by the powers above, English taking North America.   Their kings and dukes financed wars and lands and married into the Bankers that financed them, giving both more power and wealth.  Regardless of love, many for family and or wealth would marry first and second cousins, uncles, nieces and nephews and half-sisters and half-brothers.   They often named their children for their great rulers.

And when it came to wars and wealth, certain kings could pledge provinces and masses of land, such as Venezuela, as collateral for their debts; then as a king, could default on their debts and leave them to their children and for their countrymen to pay back.  And until America printed money it paid by debts to its financiers of wars by tariffs and when that was not enough created a tax system to pay the Central Bankers which became the electronic Federal Reserve System.

As to the Hapsburg connections to secret societies, for the most part it was unneeded, they had the power for centuries until World War I, to do in the open just about what ever they wanted, whether Queen bloody Mary burned heretics at the stake alive for being unrelenting or unrecanting Protestants or whether a King wanted mistresses or wars.  However, it is true though some of their daughters were great supporters of the Church and lovers of God and builders of Chapels and Convents and Monasteries; they also had their non-religious and even followers of the occult.  For example childless King Rudolf II, 11th generation from his namesake, neutral towards Catholic, Protestant and Jews, yet very positive towards the occult.  He also experimented with alchemy in more ways than seeking medical breakthroughs.

THIS PAGE IS PRIMARY for displaying the linage, power and connections of the Habsburgs


From: Habichtsburg – Hawk’s Castle; or Havichsberch – River crossing/ford

{c-child in order of birth; d.-daughter; f-father; m-mother; ma.-married;

c. – circa (about); g-generation from Cosimo or Lorenzo}

Count Rudolf of Habsburg was the first Habsburg on throne of the Holy Roman Empire.  His family moved from Switzerland east to the Danube River regions.  After defeating king Ottokar II of Bohemia, Rudolf named his sons Dukes of Austria, Styria & Carniola
Rudolf’s known family goes back over 400 years before his birth, over 1200 years ago to Court Hugh II of Tours, France who was born c.775AD.  These are his generations: Hugh, 2g Eberhard II (c.802-881); 3g Eberhard III (c.865-898); 4g Hugo V (c.895-940); 5g Guntram ‘the Rich,’ 6g Lanzelin von Altenburg, Switzerland (c.942-981); (his cousin; Hedwig (Edith) von Nordgau was wife of Siegfried I, Count of Luxembourg; 7g Radbot von Klettgau, Switzerland (c.970-1027); 8g Werner I, Graf von Habsburg (c.1030-1096)  brother of Count Otto II of Habsburg; 9g Otto II, (c.?-1111) Graf von Habsburg brother of Albrecht II of Habsburg, Switzerland; 10g Werner II (c.?-1167); 11g Albert III the Rich (c.?-1199) brother of Bishop Otto II; 12g Rudolph II, Count of Habsburg (c.?-1232); 13g Count Albert IV (1188-1239).  Note: through Hugh V: 19g Adolf von Nassau would become a King of Germany (c.1255-1298).

Rudolf I of Habsburg,


King of Germany

(King of – Romans)

Rudolf was the son of Albert IV, Count of Habsburg

Rudolf came from 14 generations of nobility and wealth.

He had 11 children with Gertrude of Hohenburg:

1c1g Matilda – mother of Louis IV, H. Roman Emperor in 1328-

2c1g Albert I, King of Germany (1255-1308) called Albrecht

6c1g Clementia ma.Charles Martel; they had Charles I, king of Hungary/Croatia; & Clementia of France (mother of king John I)

9c1g Judith of Habsburg ma. King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia;  and was mother to: king Wenceslaus III of Bohemia, Poland and Hungary; of queen Anne and queen Elisabeth of Bohemia.

Rudolf’s wife age 14 Isabella of Burgundy gave him no children


Albert I of Habsburg


King of Germany

2g Albert was assassinated after having 13 children; 12 with his wife Elizabeth of Carinthia (1262-1312) Granddaughter of Otto II and her mother was also the widow of Conrad IV (1228-1254) King of Jerusalem, Germany, Italy and Sicily.  She was first cousin to Conradin, King of Jerusalem.  Elizabeth’s children:

1c3g Rudolph I of Bohemia (c.1280-1307)

1c3g Agnes of Austria (1281-1364)

2c3g Frederick I of Germany (1289-1330)

4c3g Albert II, Duke of Austria (1298-1356)

5c3g Otto, Duke of Austria (1301-1339)

Albert (Albrecht) II

Duke of Austria


He married Johanna of Burgundy and had 4 sons that were Dukes.  The linage was carried by:

6c4g Leopold III, Duke of Austria (1351-1386)

From 1348 to 1350, the Black Death plague killed over a quarter of Europe’s people.

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{c-child in order of birth; d.-daughter; f-father; m-mother; ma.-married;

c. – circa (about); g-generation from Cosimo or Lorenzo}

Leopold  III

Duke of Austria


He married Viridis Visconti of Milan and they had 6 children.

3c5g Ernest the Iron, Duke of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola


Duke of Austria


Ernest married Margaret who died without giving children; then he married Cymburgis Grandniece of King Wladyslaw of Poland.

She bore 9 children; only 4 survived infancy;

1c6g Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor

4c6g Catherine of Austria ma. Charles Margrave and had 6 kids:

One married a Count and one was Bishop of Utrecht.

Frederick III

H. Roman Emperor


Frederick III was crowned by the Pope in Rome.  He was the first Habsburg Emperor and one of the longest reigning monarchs ruling more than 53 years.   He was also King of Germany.  Frederick reunited Habsburg lands in Austria.  Though he long, he and Eleanor, daughter of the King Edward of Portugal, only had 2 children: 7g Duchess Kunigunde and Maximilian.
Maximilian I

Holy Roman Emp.


Emperor and King Maximilian expanded the House of Habsburg through war and his marriage in 1477 to Mary of Burgundy. She died young after having (8g) Philip I and Margaret.  He would marry again, but have no other children.
Philip I

of Castile


Philip was the first Habsburg King of Castile.  At age 3 he inherited lands in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg and the Netherlands.  He married Queen Joanna of Castile.  He died before his father, and his son became (9g) Emperor Charles V. He also united and gained Habsburg lands.  Though he died at age 28; he and Joanna had six children; namely Charles & Ferdinand. Their daughter Catherine of Austria ma. King John III of Portugal.

Charles V

H. Roman Emperor


Ruler of Spanish Empire and Holy Roman Empire and Habsburg Netherlands; and King of Italy. He married Isabella of Portugal and had 5 children: 1c10g King Philip II of Spain

2c10g Holy Rom. Empress Maria (1528-1603)ma. Maximilian II

3c10g Joanna, Princess of Portugal


Ferdinand I

H. Roman Emperor


He married Anna (1503-1547), daughter of King Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary; she had 15 children: including:

1c10g Queen Elisabeth of Poland (1526-1545)

2c10g Maximillian II, Holy Roman Emperor

3c10g Anna of Austria (1528-1590); 4c Archduke Ferdinand II

7c10g Queen Catherine of Poland (1533-1572)

14c10g Charles II, Archduke of Austria

15c10g Archduchess Joanna (1547-1578) of Austria – she married

Francesco I (1541-1587) de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany; she is buried in the (Medici) Basilica of San Lorenzo, Florence.

Ferdinand I (son of John I of Castile) died in 1416.  His son John II of Aragon (1398-1479) was the father of Ferdinand II (1452-1516) who married Isabella I of Castile and together they received the kingdom of Spain and later sent Christopher Columbus to the Americas.  Ferdinand and Isabella’s daughter Joanna was married to Maximilian I and Mary’s son Philip and had Charles V and Ferdinand I (Emperor 1556-1564).

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{c-child in order of birth; d.-daughter; f-father; m-mother; ma.-married;

c. – circa (about); g-generation from Cosimo or Lorenzo}


Philip II


son of Charles V


Philip, King of Spain, Portugal, Naples and Sicily, ma. his cousin Maria (d. of King John III of Portugal) but died at 17. Philip, during his ma. to Queen Mary I, was King of England & Ireland. He was Duke of Milan and lord of part of the Netherlands; his wife ‘Bloody’ Mary, daughter of King Henry VIII, had over 280 religious protesters burned at the stake.  She died at 42 w/o a child Elisabeth of Valois (d. of King Henry II of France and Catherine de’ Medici) bore 2 children; 2c11g Catherine Michelle of Spain 1567-1597.  Anna of Austria, his niece (of Ferdinand) gave him 3 children; only 1 survived infancy: 3c11g Philip III of Spain.

Charles II

Francis of Austria


son of Ferdinand I


Charles, third son of Ferd. ma. his niece Maria Anna of Bavaria (d. of Albert V of Munich; grandson of Emperor Frederick III). She bore 15 children; 1c11g Anne married King Sigismund III of Poland and King of Sweden – she bored King Wladyslaw IV.

c611g King Ferdinand II; c8 Gregoria Maximiliana died at 16, but her godfather was Pope Gregory XIII (1502-1585); c11 Margaret ma. King Philip III of Spain. c13 Constance ma. King Sigismund III (widower of her sister Anne). c14 married Cosimo II de’ Medici of  Grand Duke of Tuscany (he was a patron of Galileo). c15 Charles was a Bishop & Grandmaster of Teutonic Knights.


Maximilian II


son of Ferdinand I


King: Bohemia, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, H Roman Emperor.  Helped overcome Catholic/Lutheran conflicts, yet ongoing Ottoman-Habsburg wars and conflicts with his Spanish cousins.

Married first cousin Maria (d. of Emperor Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor) and had 16 children.  1c11g Queen Anna of Spain (ma. her uncle, King Philip II). 2c King Rudolf II, H Roman Emperor;

4c11g Elisabeth Queen of France (wife of King Charles IX)

5c Matthias, King of Hungary, etc.; H. Roman Emperor



d. of Ferdinand I

Married Francesco I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. They had 8 children, including: 1c11g Eleanor de’ Medici

6c11g Maria de’ Medici (1575-1642) ma. King Henry IV

Only Eleanor and Maria lived to adulthood

Philip III of Spain


of Madrid

King of Spain and Portugal. Ma. first cousin (d. of Charles II & Maria) Margaret of Austria. 8 children; 1c Anne of Austria, Queen of France (wife of Louis XIII); 2c12g King Philip IV of Spain;

3c Queen Maria Anna of Spain (Ferd. III); 4c Cardinal Ferdinand

Ferdinand II


son of Charles II

Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungary

Married Anna of Bavaria (1574-1616) and had 7 children:

4c12g Ferdinand III; 6c Cecilla Renata ma. cousin Kg Wladysalw;

Married Eleonore Gonzaga – no children

Ferdinand II (1529-) son of Ferd. I; ma. Philippine Welser (Bankers): son a Cardinal

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{c-child in order of birth; d.-daughter; f-father; m-mother; ma.-married;

c. – circa (about); g-generation from Cosimo or Lorenzo}


Maria de’ Medici 1575-1642

Queen of France

Marie de’ Medici was the second wife of Henry IV = had 6c

Henry IV was assassinated and she acted as regent for her son:

1c King Louis XIII of France (1601-1643)

2c Elisabeth, Queen of Spain (1602-1621)

6c Henrietta Maria, Queen of Spain (1609-1669)

Children 9 generations from Cosimo de’ Medici and 12 generations for Rudolph I of Habsburg


Ferdinand III


of Austria

H Roman Emperor, King: Germany, Hungrary, Croatia, Bohemia. His wife: 3c of Philip III, Queen Maria Anna of Spain (almost ma. King James I son Charles; neither would change religion) She bore

1c13g King Ferdinand IV (died age 20 no children; 2c Queen Mariana of Austria (ma. Uncle Philip IV of Spain); 5c Leopold I.

His wife and cousin Maria (d. of Leopold V & Claudia de’Medici)

had Karl Josef, Grand Master of Teutonic Knights (died at 14).

Third wife, Eleonora Gonzaga (d. of Charles IV Gonzaga) had:

2c Queen Eleonora Maria (ma. Michael Wisniowiecki of Poland).


Philip IV


King of Spain and Portugal.  Married Elisabeth (1602-1644) of France (d. of King Henry IV of France and Marie de’ Medici) and had 2 children: 2c13g Queen Maria Theresa of Spain

Philip also ma. Mariana of Austria (1634-1696) d. of Ferdinand III Mariana funded Jesuit voyages and Catholic missions – the Mariana Islands (southeast of Japan) are named for her.  She had 3 children: 1c Queen Margaret Theresa; 3c13g King Charles II

Charles II


Son of Philip IV; King of Spain, though Charles married twice, he had no children and was the last Habsburg ruler of Spain.
Charles’ realm was vast: Spain’s overseas empire from the Americas to the Spanish East Indies and he still had control over part of Habsburg lands in Netherlands. He was known as ‘el Hechizado (the Bewitched)’ because of his physical and emotional disabilities.   In his will he named his teenaged grand-nephew, Philip of Anjou, grandson of his half-sister Maria Theresa (first wife of King Louis XIV of France).  This triggered the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) between Spain loyal to Charles and their allies, the Holy Roman Empire, Great Britain, Portugal, etc. vs. Spain loyal to Philip and their allies, France, Bavaria, Castile, Naples and Sicily.  Treaties (T. of Utrecht):  Spain cedes Spanish Netherlands, Naples, Duchy of Milan, and Sardinia to Austrian Habsburgs and France and Spain give Newfoundland and some small islands to Britain; and all recognized Philip (1683-1746) as Philip V, King of Spain (1700-1724).
Cecilia Renata


d. of Ferd. II

She married King Wladyslaw IV Vasa of Polish-Lithuania.

Wladyslaw Vasa was of the House of Vasa – nobility of Sweden back to the 14th century.  She was Wladyslaw’s first wife and gave 2 children that did not survive infancy.

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{c-child in order of birth; d.-daughter; f-father; m-mother; ma.-married;

c. – circa (about); g-generation from Cosimo or Lorenzo}

Leopold I


son of Ferd. III

3 wives; 16 children
Philip of Anjou  (1683-1746) Philip V, King of Spain (1700-1724).

Not considered a Habsburg

Joseph I


Charles VI


Franz I

Stephan of Lorraine




Maria Theresa Habsburg (1717-1780) 16 children
Joseph II


Leopold II


Franz II


Ferdinand II


Ferdinand I (1793-1875) no children
Franz Karl


Franz Joseph I


Karl Ludwig




Franz Ferdinand




Maria Josefa of Saxony


Karl I


Received throne after his uncle Franz Ferdinand died in 1914

Migrated with family to Switzerland during WWI

Married Zita of Bourbon-Parma (1892-1989) 8 children

Vienna: Schloss Hetzendorf – official residence

Otto (1912–2011), Adelheid (1914–1971), Robert (1915–1996), Felix (1916–2011) and Karl (1918–2007) were all born while the monarchy still existed. Rudolf (1919–2010) and Charlotte (1921–1989) were born in exile, while Elisabeth (1922–1993) was born after her father’s death.

Otto von Habsburg-Lothringen


Princess Regina of Saxe-Meiningen:  7 children:

Archduchesses: Andrea, Monika, Michaela, Gabriela, Walburga

Archdukes: Karl and Georg


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Habsburg Family Tree 1.jpg



Hope to explain decline in power and share of power transferring to Bourbon Spain, the Lorraines which also married into the Habsburgs (Medici)  and  after War World I and especially WWII, power transferring from kings to bankers and a One World Government, ran through little things like the UN, Stock Markets and Central Banks; and their headquarters of decisions being annual secret meetings and backroom texts and talks.

Likely will start this on Page 3 and maybe later filling in some of the above 19th and 20th century right column.